He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

"I hope you liked the food" Stephen chuckled nervously, running his hand through his hair smiling down at me, he had such a beautiful smile.

"I love it really" I said, we were walking around the beach it was calming. The beach always seemed to calm me down, so that's why I wasn't so nervous right now with him.

"I'm glad" he cleared his throat before continuing, "so I have a photo shoot to do tomorrow evening" he said smirking at me, I stared at him confused. "Okay let me explain, they haven't found a girl who I have to shoot with, so I kind of suggested for you to do it with me" he looked down nervously at his hands.

"Really?" I stared at him in shock. He nodded turning to face me. "I'd love to" I managed to say, "but I don't know if I'll be good"

(Fuck this sucks right now I cry 😭)

"I'm sure you are" he gave me an assuring smile.


"C'mon" Stephen kept on pulling me towards the building where we would do the photo shoot.

"No I changed my mind, I would ruin it, I'm not good for this. I've never done this before and I can tell you now that I look horrible and would-" I got cut off when he held his hand up.

"Autumn you're perfect, beautiful, gorgeous, you're the definition of beauty. There's nothing wrong with you, it doesn't matter if you haven't done this, the point is for you to experience it" I blushed when he told me I was the definition of beauty, was I really? I was never told that, not until I met Andy and him.

Oh yeah Andy. I called him and told him to come, he at first said no but eventually gave up when I kept on pleading. I wanted him to be here, to tell me that I could do this, that there wasn't a thing to worry about, although Stephen has already done that, but I wanted Andy to do it. Stephen didn't mind Andy coming.

"I know but what if-"

"Stop Autumn" I took a deep breath and nodded, "we can't wait for Andy, he'll have to come in, we're going to be late, lets go"

After we went in, Stephen was immediately snatched from my side, they started telling him to put this on and to stay still so they would get their work done.

"And you must be... Autumn?" I came face to face with an elderly guy, he looked down at me waiting for an answer.

I blinked, "oh yes, that's me, sorry" see I was already doing bad. He chuckled a little.

"Don't be nervous, here look" he snapped his fingers and in like one second a woman was standing besides him. "She'll be your styler, she's very good at doing all these things so you'll be more beautiful than you already are" I blushed and nodded smiling at the guy.

After he left the woman made me sit down on a chair, before calling someone over, telling him to do my hair while she did my makeup. They quickly got their work done before they started looking for some clothes.

Eventually, they picked a beautiful dress, it fit me well and it showed off my curves well.

(Sorry I'm not good at describing things)

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now