He's A Married Man

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Andy's POV

"I don't think we should leave her alone with him" I said looking at building where Autumn was with a guy alone. Kayla huffed and rolled her eyes at me before smirking.

"Are you jealous?" She asked, my eyes widen. Was I? I'm not even sure.

"No" I said, her smirk only got bigger when she noticed that I stuttered.

"Lies" she said before giving me a slap on my back, she can hit hard. "She'll be okay" she started walking away but I was stood still, shaking my head, I went in once again.

Kayla hot on my heels screaming my name.

I was about to open the door to the big room but stopped when I heard Autumn squeal and then laugh. Quietly opening the door just a little I peeked.

I saw the guy doing the moves first, his shirt lifting, showing his abs and tattoos, I gotta admit, I was jealous. Autumn looked like she was really into him. Maybe that's her type and not me.

"Ow" I snapped back when I saw Autumn falling but as always he was there to catch her before she hit the floor. I couldn't watch anymore so I left, Kayla just arriving breathing hard.

"What the f-" I cut her off when she saw how angry I was. But why was I even angry? Autumn was nothing to me, she was just a friend. That's what she was all to me. A friend.

Autumn's POV

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking at me with his blue-ish, green-ish eyes. (Sorry idk his eye color).

I shook my head still staring at him.

He smiled, God his smile was perfect.

Without noticing he carried me bridal style and sat me on the benches, bending down he lift my sweatpants up and saw a bruise on my ankle. Great again.

"I'm sorry" he said, my mouth hanged opened.

"Don't say that, it wasn't your fault" I ran my hand through his perfectly straight hair, it was so soft, softer than mine.

"If I didn't tell you to stay, this wouldn't have happened" he said putting his head on his hands sighing.

"It's no ones fault, please don't blame yourself" he didn't say anything after that. He stood up and held his hand for me to grab.

"I'm going to take you to the hospital" I shook my head denying.

"No, I can go home and fix it, it happened before" I gave him an assuring smile.

"At least let me take you" so he did.


"So what do you do for a living?" He asked tapping his finger to the beat of the music. (Did that made sense?)

I shrugged, "I'm not sure" I mumbled.

"Well what do you want to be later on in life?"

"A model" I said without hesitating. I've always wanted to be a model.

"Really?" He looked at me surprised, I smiled and nodded. "I'm a model"

"Really?" He laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm a full time model, my modelling career has been highly successful, mostly in Europe, North America, which is here, Australia and Japan. I'm basically known for being heavily tattooed and having many body piercings." He said, turning to me, "it's a really fun thing to do in life, you get to travel around"

"Hook me up sometimes" I said jokingly.

"I would" I stopped laughing and stared at him. His face showed nothing but seriousness.

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now