He's A Married Man

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FIRST ! Let's take a look at the changes I made (it's only the picture) Can we please talk about how sexy...hot...and really cute this haircut looks on him? *No negative comments please* I tried to make a cool cover BUT I am not creative so like I was screwed..

SECOND ! ...there isn't one so let's go back to the chapter

there isn't one so let's go back to the chapter

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Autumn's POV

"What?" Aaron breathe out, I was shaking by now, if someone grabbed my hand they would notice how terrible they are shaking.

"Uh Andy I told you, I will give you your kids back" Michelle said through gritted teeth. She secretly pinched his arm but it made no affect on him.

"What does he mean?" C'mon think Autumn, make up something. Before I could say anything Michelle jumped right back in.

"Uh the other day I stole his..comic books..which are his kids. Andy I'm going to give you them now let's go" she grabbed his arm but he snatched it back glaring at Aaron and me, mostly me. He was waiting for me to step up and tell Aaron but this wasn't the time.

"That's not what I mean" He snarled, I whimpered and went behind Aaron. I squeezed his hand and he looked back at me with worry eyes. "There's a 50 percent chance that those kids could be mi-"

Michelle covered his mouth and dragged him away by his ears. He cursed and tried to get away from her but she would only pull harder. "What was that all about?"

I shrugged my shoulders and took him back to the car. This wasn't how I was going to tell him. I don't think I'll tell him, maybe I should just make him believe the kids are his.

Besides, it could be his and not Andy's.


"In seven months we'll have our babies here" Aaron had his head on my chest while his hand was resting on my stomach creating small circles with his thumb. He looked up at me and smiled widely. "I'm glad I married you"

And that was it, I couldn't hurt him and tell him that the kids weren't his. This is what he always wanted, he wanted a wife and kids. "Do you ever wonder what Andy was talking about?"

Yes. "No" He shrugged and went back on talking to my stomach, it was weird and cute at the same time.

"I'm going away for a month" I stopped running my hands through his hair and frowned.

"Why?" he sighed and sat up, immediately the cold air hit me causing me to curl up in his arms.

"There's this guy that wants me to train him, he said he wants to be as good as me, so I said sure"

"So I'm going to be alone for a month?" He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Michelle can come over and make you some company, plus you won't be alone." I looked at him confused, he chuckled and pointed at my stomach. I rolled my eyes and looked at my hands. I need to do this.

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now