He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

My head was killing me literally and Kayla didn't help, she kept on whining about how she's getting tired of Andy asking her all the questions about the photos instead of him asking me. I didn't want to deal with anything right now, not even modeling.

"C'mon Autumn this is your fault, your problem and not mine" I rolled my eyes and nodded even though she couldn't see me.

"Yeah I know, I will, got to go bye" I didn't wait for her to say it back, I hanged up and decided whether I should or shouldn't talk to Andy about this. Maybe I should, just to get him off of Kayla's back.

Letting out a big sigh, I began calling him, maybe I shouldn't. When I was about to hang up he answered, he's voice sounded so tired. "Hello?" I gulped.

"Hey" I said nervously already feeling my hands sweating. I heard him groan and move a little, it hurt me to be honest. He probably didn't want to know anything about me right now.

"Why are you calling me?" My mouth fell open, what gives him the right to answer me like that?

"First of all, don't talk to me like that, second, I just wanted to tell you about my shooting I did"

"You mean the shooting you had to do with a British guy, and you being literally fucking naked?" I flinched at his tone, I had never saw him get this mad over something I didn't know it was going to happen. "You don't need to tell me, I had to find out through the Internet instead of my girlfriend" I sighed and rubbed my temples.

"Andy I'm sorry, I didn't know I was going to work with Stephen" was the only thing that I said.

"I don't care" I didn't know if he was lying or not but it still hurt. "I really don't, it's part of what you love to do, I know you would be doing this more often, and I have to get use to it" I heard a door open, I looked to see if it was mine but it wasn't.

It was until I heard a tiny giggle, Andy quickly shushed whatever had made that noise, he was breathing more heavily now. "Who's there?" I questioned.

"What do you mean?" He answered my question with another question.

"Don't act dumb" I said rolling my eyes, I didn't want to think what he was doing, but I couldn't help myself.

"It's nothing, it was the television" he cleared his throat. "Look I don't want us to get mad when we have just started dating" he stopped for a while, I heard a front door open and his name being called, it sounded feminine. He cursed and quickly hanged up.

Yeah, so much for not getting mad.


"C'mon lets go to the pool, get things out of your head" Stephen said pulling me towards the door, I groaned and didn't bother walking or defending myself. "Autumn" he whined. He's British accent was adorable.

"Ugh okay, just let me get ready" I said getting up from the floor.

"Don't wear jeans, it's fucking hot outside, literally" he sighed fanning himself with his hands. "Why don't you even air conditioner on?" He looked around for one while I was finding some clothes. "Do you even have one?"

I laughed and nodded pointing at the ceiling. "Yeah, the cool air comes up from the-" he nodded and left the room, it wasn't soon that I felt my room slowly start to cool off.

"Is it better?" He yelled from the living room.

"Yes!" I answered back, finally finding some clothes.

"Wow, okay, I'll be waiting in the living room" I quickly covered my breast, feeling a blush come up. He hurried off slamming the door after him. Fuck what if he saw...this?

I put on a crop top and shorts with flats on, I mean he did just say it was so hot outside. Quickly applying make up, I grabbed my purse and headed out with Stephen following.

"Stephen it's hot, why are you wearing that?" I asked, once I saw what he was wearing.

"What's wrong with it?" He asked with a smile, his teeth were perfectly straight and white

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"What's wrong with it?" He asked with a smile, his teeth were perfectly straight and white.

"It's hot for a jacket" I said shrugging, it was him though.

"I got nothing underneath" I didn't know what to say, I couldn't just tell him to take it off...or maybe I could. But I wouldn't.


"Fuck yes" he moaned.

I felt goosebumps go up my arms.

He grinned up at me waiting for me to get in the pool, there wasn't a lot of people here, I don't know why.

"Get in the pool" he grabbed my ankle and I squealed quickly holding onto something before he could get me in the water.

"Okay okay I will" he let go and waited for me to get in. He sighed and closed his eyes letting his head fall back a little. I felt myself checking him out. His abs were so attractive, and his tattoos matched him perfectly, his skin looked so soft along with his lips.

He suddenly smirked and looked at me, "stop checking me out and get in" I snapped out of it and just quickly went in the water.

That was embarrassing

(I know that Stephen has hella tattoos on his body but let's pretend that he hasn't gotten his stomach, neck and head tattooed yet)


"I heard about you and Andy" so it does spreads fast.

"Yeah we just started like a week ago" he nodded and looked away.

"I'm...happy" it sounded more like a question. I decided to ignore it though. "I got to go" he got up and looked at me, he looked unsure for a moment.

He smiled and left closing the door gently.

For some reason it hurt to admit about Andy.


Hi, how you doing

I love you ❤️

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now