He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

"Fuck off" Andy growled at Aaron, who was kneeling besides me and talking to my now five months pregnant stomach. I rolled my eyes and shushed him causing him to frown and sit besides me.

We weren't back together but we lived together. Andy would constantly steal a kiss or two from me and sometimes I would want something else, I blame the freaking hormones.

Aaron and I got a divorce, I thought it was going to take six months or more but in reality it only took two months and before I knew it I was signing the papers. It hurt to be honest.

"Oh daddy said a bad word" Valerie covered her mouth with her little hand staring at Andy with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry baby" she shook her head and held her hand out wiggling her fingers. He sighed and took out his wallet handing her five dollars. She giggled and quickly put it on the jar that was full with money.

"How many times have you cursed in front of her?" I questioned

"Only six times but she has these ears I swear" before we knew it, Valerie was taking another five bucks, "she's going to leave me homeless"

I stared at Aaron while he stroked my stomach slightly smiling at it. "Only four months more"

Andy rolled his eyes and looked at the tv. He didn't like when Aaron talked to my stomach because he thought Aaron was talking to his little girl instead of Aaron's son. "Oh sh- man it got late, I have to go" Aaron stood up and gave me a hug and left the house.

"Finally" Andy breathe out before hugging me around my stomach, almost digging his face in it if it wasn't for the kick he received on his face. He silently cursed and glared at me.

"Why are you glaring at me?" I laughed, he huffed and poked my stomach.

"Is it normal for them to kick now?" I shrugged and let my head fall back, I was so tired, I didn't know pregnancy could tire woman up. My belly didn't even look like five months, it looked like I had seven months.

It worried me about my carrier, my manager wants me three months back after I give birth, in shape, I had to come back the way I left. I didn't know how I was going to do, I am carrying twins it will take time to loose weight again.

I winced when I felt a pain in my abdomen. Andy looked up at with worry eyes. "What? Did I hurt you?" I quickly shook my head and carefully stood up with his help.

"No, I guess one of them kicked hard" I mumbled, who was I trying to convince? I've had pains like these since last month but I shrugged it off, maybe it was something normal.

"Do I need to bring you to the hospital?"

"No, it's just a kick" Hopefully.


I woke up by a the same pain on my abdomen, but this time it was stronger than usual. I breathe in and put a hand on my stomach.

Calm down Autumn, it's just a few little kicks, the pain will eventually go away.

I tried to calm down but the pain just grew by every second. Not being able to handle it any longer I got off bed but stopped when I noticed that I was bleeding. I was bleeding?

Panic washed over me and screamed Andy's name, even though he was in the same room as me, I knew that if I whispered his name he wouldn't budge.

He quickly shot up and looked at me, "What the hell Autumn?"

"I-I'm bleeding" I stuttered, he looked down my legs and his eyes widen before he quickly got his clothes on and went to Valerie's room. I grabbed my phone and dialed Aaron's number while walking carefully down the stairs.


"Get to the hospital now" I didn't give him time to answer me back, I hanged up and made my way down the stairs. I stopped when I felt another pain, groaning I felt tears slowly making their way down my cheek.

Still in pain I walked downstairs.

I didn't feel myself fall down the stairs, fuck I didn't even see the small ball that was on the stair. That's when I noticed myself land on the ground, black dots were everywhere.

"Autumn fuck don't go to sleep please"

Those were the only words I heard before everything went black.


Andy's POV

I ran my through my hair, parking around. Valerie was sleeping on a chair, I felt back bringing her but I didn't have anyone to take care of her, so I always had to bring her with me.

Aaron was already here when got to the hospital. He instantly started asking questions, he was worried about her like I was.

He stood up and I quickly ran up to her doctor. "What happened? Is she going to be okay? What about the babies?" I quickly asked her.

She sighed and took her glasses off, "The falling made some affects on her"

"My- the babies" I quickly corrected myself. That's when she looked down, debating whether she wanted to tell us or not.

"Spit it out" Aaron snapped at her.

"I'm sorry, she lost-" we didn't even let her finish, I turned around and fell to my knees while Aaron started punching the wall letting out a few curses.

"No! That's not true" I cried out, not stopping the tears from falling. I was broken, we were broken. I lost my little girl.

I have already bought her clothes and toys for her to play and put on. I was going to do things I wasn't allow to do with Valerie, because Madison didn't let me spoil her like she deserved to.

Valerie was excited to be a big sister.

I was ready to be a dad again.

But now I wasn't going to be one.



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