He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

They took the bottle of pills from me, I immediately reacted, launching into the person, I grabbed a handful of their hair pulling it.

"Autumn what the fuck?! Let go off me!" I let go and went to the bathroom, attempting to shut the door fast but it was too late. The person pushed the door opened and kneeled down in front of me.

"Are you fucking stupid?" I flinched at her words. It was a she but I couldn't make out the voice. "And what even is this?" She grabbed the bottle and read it. "Abortion pills? How stupid can you get?!"

At that, I looked up to be met with green eyes. "Get out" I said glaring at her.

"No I'm not" I pushed her causing her to stumble back. "You kicked me out when I needed you the most. I was alone for months, I was a wreck. I didn't know what to do with myself. I needed you"

"Don't you remember what you told me? Don't you remember the reason why I kicked you out?" She snarled at me, and I looked down shamefully.

"I didn't know what I was saying" I stuttered, she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"You better tell your soon to be husband that you're pregnant" I shook my head and sat down on the bed putting my head on my hands.

"He can't know" I whispered.

"Why not?" I started telling her everything that happened that night. She would wince and cover her mouth with her hand.

After I told her everything, she got up and sighed. "You're in deep shit, I mean, you don't know who the father might be. It could either be Andrew's or Aaron's" She grabbed the pregnancy test and looked at it over and over again.

"I can't, Aaron would never forgive me and Andy..I don't know"

"When's your wedding?"

"In three days"


Andy's POV

"Hey Andy" I looked up at my band mate, Christian. "Wasn't that model Autumn your girlfriend?" I nodded and turned my back at him. I was still trying to figure out how I was going change her mind but nothing came up.

"She's getting married in like twenty minutes" That's not true, it's not March 10. It's the fifth. He was wrong.

"No she's not"

"Yeah she is, her personal makeup artist posted a picture of them" I snatched his phone from him and looked at the picture.

'20 minutes yo' It had the wife emoji and ADB with exclamation points. What is that supposed to mean?

Realization hit me like a brick wall, I quickly looked at the location and got out of the bus, it was a ten minute walk, I could still make it there.

I'd do whatever it takes to stop her from getting married to him.

After running for what seems like thirty minutes I got there but I couldn't get in, there was a guard.

"You can't go in" he said putting a hand on my shoulder and pushing me out.

"Please I need to get inside" I begged, he simply shook his head and returned to his potion. Without even thinking I was beating him up, he groaned and tried to shield himself.

Once he was unconscious, I quickly opened the doors.

But I was too late.

She looked happy. Her smile reached her eyes. Her eyes had that sparkle in them, the sparkle she got when she would look at me. She looked beautiful in that dress, but she always does. She laughed when her husband picked her up and started walking out.

This wasn't real. This wasn't happening.

It wasn't March 10.

No, I didn't lose her.

Autumn's POV

This wasn't what I wanted. I was acting all this, I was acting to be happy but in reality I wasn't. Not one bit. My emotions were dead.


To say that the reception was boring was an understatement. It really was and I was dying here, I didn't know mostly of his family, his parents didn't like me at all but they still came.

Michelle being here made it slightly better, even though she didn't come to the ceremony because she 'couldn't witness a wedding that didn't have love or an Andy' She only came to my house to do my makeup and dropped me off.

Jared didn't come at all. Kayla..she left again. So I was basically alone here.

I sighed and got up from my seat, Aaron grabbed my hand and looked at me with worried eyes. "Where are you going?"

"Bathroom" I lied, he nodded and let go my hand. I quickly went outside gasping for air, this is hell.

I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes, thinking how this might of been different if I would of just forgiven Andy and choose him over Aaron but I had to be stupid.

Suddenly the sun wasn't hitting my face anymore, I frowned and opened my eyes. I jumped when I noticed that Andy stood in front of me.

"You startled me" I mumbled putting my hand over my chest. It was then that I noticed his blood shot eyes. "Have you been crying?"

He rolled his eyes and looked down sniffing. "Why?" his voice cracked. "Why did you do it?"

"Because I love him" he chuckled suddenly pulling me to him, his arms wrapped around me.

"We both know that's not true, that's bullshit" his grip tighten around me and I panicked the thought of the kid possibly getting hurt by this. I pushed him away and glared at him.

"It is, very" he didn't say anything instead he dropped to his knees and put his hands on my hips putting his face on my stomach silently sobbing.

"I promised you so many things" he said but didn't take his face off my stomach. "I'm the one that was supposed to put the ring on your finger, I was supposed to carry you out, I'm the one that's supposed to lip syncing every song I dedicate to you, I'm the one that you should be having your first dance with, I'm the one that's supposed to cut the cake with you, I'm the one that should make you happy, I'm the guy that should treat you like a queen, I'm the one that's supposed to sleep by your side, I'm the one that's supposed to kiss you, love you, do everything with you till the day we both die. I'm the guy you're supposed to start a family with, I'm the one to take you everywhere you want to go..I'm supposed to take you to the moon, I'm the one that was supposed to be on one knee" he whispered at the end. "I'm supposed to be doing what he's doing. He took my place"

I didn't know what to say, I was shocked.

He took my left hand and shook his head before taking something off his back pocket. "This ring belongs here and not this one" he started taking my ring off, I tried to snatch my hand away but he held it tightly.

He took my ring off and replaced it with my eternity ring. "This looks so much beautiful on you"

"Andy stop"

"No, I'm never going to stop. I'll keep fighting for you, I will get you back" he stood up and looked down at me with his teary eyes.

"I love you" with that he kissed me and left.

I watched him leave. Taking everything with him.

I sighed and went back in. I glance down at the eternity ring. It did looked better.


This is crappy fml

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now