He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

"Are you sure you're okay?" I touched my side where I landed on, seeing how it was scratched and bruised.

"Yes I am, now go" I said while pushing Andy out, he had recently received a phone call from someone, it was clearly an emergency by the way he reacted.

"You know it's not that serious so I should stay" before he could come back in, I closed the door. He whined my name out.

"No go, this isn't serious either" I said locking the door.

"Yes it, you can't walk" I rolled my eyes and moved away from it.

"Yes I can, bye" he groaned and I quickly tried my best to go to the window, making sure that he is actually leaving. Once I saw him he in the car and drive away. I grabbed my phone, waiting for Kayla to answer.


"Bitch I am back!" Kayla screamed coming in the house. "Aren't you going to jump on me and hug me?" She asked once she saw me that I wasn't moving.

"I am too lazy to go there, it's like 173 miles away from where I am" she rolled her eyes and came to me hugging me tightly.

"How are you?" She asked pointing at my ankle and my left side. I shrugged.

"It's been a few days, I'm healing, but I'm okay" I said standing up. Holding onto something, just in case I fell.

"What about him?" I shrugged my shoulders once again.

"I don't know, he hasn't texted me much, he's probably just busy"

"You never though, he might be with someone else in be-" I cut her before she can finish the sentence.

"Kayla really? I don't think he'll be that kind of guy" she came behind me putting her arms around me.

"You noticed what was on his hand?" I tried not to remember, but of course I did. She had to remind me.

"It's just something that his sister gave him" I mean he did tell me that.

"Do you even know that? What if he's not telling the truth? He probably doesn't even have a sister, maybe he is just playing with-"

"Kayla why are you asking me all this? I thought you wanted me to be happy with a guy. You like him, you told me to go for it, to give it a chance. What happened to all that?" I asked staring at her, she looked down playing with her hands.

"That's not for me to tell you, I'm sorry I can't tell you" I hated her because of that. Well not hate just dislike. But she's my best friend. "Just be careful, I don't want you to get hurt" and with that she left to go upstairs.

What. I don't get her.


"I've been really busy this week, I'm sorry I didn't get to text you" Andy said. He interlocked his hand with mine.

"That's okay" I mumbled, what Kayla told me last night was still going around in my head. I so badly wanted to know the truth from him but at the same time I didn't.

I slowly looked down to his left hand, the ring wasn't there. Didn't he say that he never took it out? Maybe I should ask him about it. Or not.

"What was your sisters name?" I suddenly asked, it surprised me. Damn I really asked.

He stood still for a while before looking up, "Nicole" he said. He looked down again. "Can we not talk about it?" I nodded.

"I think you're in love with those shoes, you probably have a collection of them" he said pointing to my black Nike air huaraches. "Aren't you hot with that?"

I looked down at my outfit.

"Aren't you cold with that?"

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"Aren't you cold with that?"



"I'll be right back" he said standing up from the table and heading towards the guys bathroom.


I was playing around on my phone when he's phone ringed. Should I? No.

Maybe a little. No. That's wrong. He wouldn't do that to me if it was mine. I should just leave it.

But it kept on ringing. It was annoying.

I grabbed his phone turning the switch off. But you know I gave up and looked.

The name was the one that scared me the most. Other than the really inappropriate texts.


Was it real? Was Kayla right?

No. No. She wasn't. Maybe he did a typo.

The ring is from his sister. He couldn't be married right? He couldn't. He can't.

Fuck this is what I get for loving him.

Wait no that's not right. Maybe it is.

"Autumn" but what made me fall in love with him? Maybe it was his voice, or his bright blue eyes almost like crystal. Or it could be his personality. "Autumn" I blinked and looked up.

Yeah everything about him.



DONT HATE ME. I JUST WANTED TO POST SOMETHING. OH AND I WILL BE PUTTING PICTURES THERE (like in the writing thing, you know) BC IF I PUT IT UP THERE IT WOULD PROBABLY PUT THE PICTURE UP LIKE 10 or more times. So. That didn't make sense. Idk. Okay bye ❤️

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now