He's A Married Man

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Hi omg it's been so long since I've been here but honestly senior year was being such a bitch and I needed to focus on my work more but I'm done with high school which means I graduated and now it's college time

I'm sorry it's been so long, I hope you guys still like this book

Also I'm lost bc idk where I left off so this chapter would be a little eh but I'll catch up again and we'll make it better, although this book is very close to the end

Autumn's POV

"I don't feel good" I mumbled, looking around the room. Everything was moving, black dots were filling my vision. "Aaron w-what's happening?"

He was still crying, I wanted to see him, I wanted to see how much he looked like his father. I tried sitting up but the pain on my stomach made me lay back down. I hissed and tighten my grip on whatever I was holding onto.

"Something's wrong with her, she's losing more blood than the last time. We gotta do surgery, today, right now" I felt myself being lifted up and laid on something hard, whatever it was, it was cold.

"What? No why what's happening?" I heard Aaron ask the doctor but they just kept on rolling me out of the room.

Andy's POV

"You have such unique eyes" I said, stroking her soft cheek. She cooed causing me to smile, this was the first time she has ever done this.

Her eyes were really unique, I've never seen someone have this type of eye color. It was brown mixed with blue in it. She would have every boy following her around.

"You look just like your mommy" i mumbled stroking her forehead, at my touch she instantly closed her eyes and started breathing softly. It warmed my heart knowing that I'll be the only to have that affect on my little girl. "You're so beautiful"

I heard the door open, causing her eyes to snap open and look around. I cursed silently and turned around, but when I did I wish I hadn't.

Aaron stood in the middle of the room with blood on his hands, on his shirt and jeans. I gulped and turned back to Justine, "What happened?" I asked.

"She...she lost a lot of blood" I nodded, what else was I supposed to say? She was nothing to me anymore. That was a lie. "But, she gave birth to my son"

"How is he?" I didn't take my eyes off her, it was impossible to. I heard him clear his throat before he spoke again.

"He's good.. doing real good" I nodded, that would of been Justine too. "Do you.. want to see him?"

I didn't know if I did or didn't. Should I? I mean he was– no he wasn't. "Later" was all I said.

From the corner of my eye I saw him look down, his fist suddenly tighten but soon he seemed to calmed down. He looked up back up, without saying another word, he left. I know I might have hurt him because of this but I'm hurt too.

"At this point I don't know if everything would go back to normal" I whispered to myself, or more to my daughter. She yawn, and blinked a couple of times, she was absolutely adorable. "If things don't, I swear that I would for you, it doesn't matter what it takes to do but I will fight for you"

Although, it didn't seemed necessary to do so because I knew that Autumn wouldn't do anything to prevent me from seeing my daughter or ever take her away from me. But I would forever fight for her, no matter the consequences.

Autumn's POV

"Wake up" I heard a voice, it was familiar, I knew who it was but I couldn't quite figure it out. I tried to open my eyes to see who it is but I couldn't, I was exhausted. I moved my hand to show that I was awake. "You're doing fine, they're doing fine too"

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now