He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

"So for nothing he just started running and left a bruise on your arm?" Kayla said through the phone trying to summarize what I had just said. I groaned and laid on my bed. This was the first time I was talking to her after almost a week without seeing or talking to her,

"Yes- no, Kayla I don't know what happened. He just looked up and then looked scared for some reason" I said shrugging as in like she can see me. I was still confused at what happened three days ago.

Every after that evening he still kept on talking to me, he said he would explain what happened but not now. Something about not being ready and all that. Plus he still took me out every night.

"Autumn!" I blinked and noticed that my phone was now on my bed, leaving Kayla talking to herself.

"What?" I asked. She groaned.

"Did you not hear what I told you?" No.

"Yeah" I lied.

"What did I said" fuck.

"Um something about Andy" I mean she had to be talking about him, the subject was about him.

"Ugh I can't with you, listen I got to go but think about what I told you, okay, take care, love you" and with that she hung up. What the fuck what she even talking about.

•| 3 Days later |•

There was a knock on my door, I jumped and looked at my door. Who would it be? Kayla isn't supposed to be here yet. I locked the do- fuck I didn't lock it. I took off my glasses and quietly stood up grabbing the closest thing that was near me. Which happened to be a bat, bless Kayla.

I quietly walked up to the door, taking a deep breath, I opened the door and was about to swing but the person caught I screamed and went to my bathroom locking the door after me.

"Damn Autumn you can scream" what the fuck was he doing here.

"Andy you little.." I trailed off opening the door and stepping out of the bathroom. I laid on my bed, putting my hand on chest feeling my heart beat faster than usual. "Don't ever do that please" I said looking at him through my eyelashes.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he said sitting next to me, taking my hand in his rubbing it with his thumb.

"At least text me when you're coming and knock"

"I did knock" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ring the bell" he smiled and nodded before getting up.

"Get ready we're going to the carnival that literally just opened five minutes ago" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek and leaving my room. I sighed and touched the cheek he kissed. I didn't want to feel this but it was impossible not to, I mean have you seen his face and his personality? It's great, more than great.

I quickly went to my closet and picked my outfit. It was pretty hot today, so I decided to wear something that didn't made me sweat much.

•| 10 minutes later |•

•| 10 minutes later |•

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He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now