He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

"I'm sorry" Andy said getting on his knees and looking up at me, I felt awkward, why was he doing this? "I got jealous, I've liked since the first day I saw you and I just don't want anyone else to take you away from me, baby please forgive me" he gripped onto my thighs.

I grabbed his hands and pulled him up before putting his lips on mine, I haven't realized how much I missed kissing him, having his lips on mine, having his arms wrapped around me.

"Can we forget about this and move on?" I whispered into his shoulder, he pulled me closer to him and nodded.

"Yes" he whispered back, now smiling down at me, his smile was so beautiful. "Now tell me did you have fun? Tell me everything" he said sitting down on my bed and sat me on his lap.

I started telling him everything that I had to do in Arizona, but I didn't tell him the times I've spent with Stephen. We didn't do anything bad though we just hanged out.

"Next time, I'm going with you" he grinned wide, giving my cheek a few pecks before getting to my lips.


Kayla and I were going to back to our choreography class, I missed it. Stephen wasn't our "teacher" anymore, everyone was basically dead after he left.

"Ugh I don't want to be here anymore" Kayla whined when another man came in the room, introducing himself, the class only nodded. "Why did Stephen had to go" I rolled my eyes.

"Because he has a job" I said.

"You too" she bumped her shoulder with mine before paying attention to the moves he was making while the music played in the background.


"He's going to kill us I swear" I laughed at how she had laid on the floor panting holding onto her chest. "He's worse than any of the others" it was true though.

"Well you're the one that needs to keep on coming here three times a week" I smirked at her, she groaned.

"Let me have your life please"

"Hell no, I like my life, I wouldn't trade it for anything at all"

"Yeah except for Stephen"

After we had memorized a few moves, the teacher let us go, Kayla was already out of the door when he dismissed us. She was desperate to get out.

"Come on you ho walk faster" she started driving slowly.

"Kayla I swear if you leave me behind I would ki-" I didn't even finished my sentence, the cunt had drove away fast, I screamed her name and started running to catch up but she was already gone. "Little bitch" I mumble.

So now I had to walk back home, my feet were already killing me and this was not helping. Sometimes I don't get why she's my best friend.

"Get in" I jumped and fell to the ground gripping on my shirt. There was a chuckle before a car door opened, I looked up and saw those pretty blue-ish, green-ish eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't know I'd scare you this much"

"No it's okay" I kept on staring at him, I mean how can I not, he's beautiful.

"Why are you walking in the middle of the road?" He asked looking around, there weren't a lot of cars that drove around this place so it was basically safe for me to walk here.

"Kayla left me"

"It's something she would do" he said taking me to the other side of the car, there was a loud horn, I screamed and jumped on Stephen. "Damn"

"I'll take her" the deep voice said separating me from Stephen. "Let go off her" he demanded, I winced and let go off Stephen before Andy would get in a fight with him.

"Andy stop he was only helping" I said holding onto his hands to try and calm him down.

"Really? Because what I saw didn't look like it" he said through gritted teeth, he had a really sexy serious face.

"Andy stop" I literally screamed, I was tired of him not trusting me with another guy, it's not like I would go and fuck the shit out of him...

"She wasn't doing anything wrong, I saw her walking and I just wanted to take her home" Stephen looked at him dead in the eye, as in if he was dating him to make a move.

"She's my girlfriend and I'm asking you politely" he said getting close to Stephen, Andy was only two or three inches taller than Stephen. "Stay away from her" he whispered.

He turned back and grabbed me before getting me inside his car, I looked at Stephen with a sorry face. He smiled and nodded before getting in his car and second away.

I felt horrible.

"Why are you still seeing him?" He asked his grip on the wheel tighten making his knuckles go whiter.

"Andy why don't you trust me?" I asked soft, not wanting to raise my voice, and get in another argument with him.

"I do" he simply said.

"No you don't because if you did you wouldn't have-"

"I just don't trust him" he stopped the car and looked at me with his oh so beautiful blue eyes. "I feel like he's going to steal you away from me, like he's going to take your heart anytime soon. I just don't want to lose you, you are everything that I've ever wanted" he looked down, I thought I saw a bit of confusion on his face. "You have to understand me"

He grabbed my hands and kissed my knuckles. "Honey I'm sorry"

It was the first time he called me that, it made my heart flutter in happiness. Without thinking I nodded.

I just forgave him without even thinking about it. I blame Kayla for this.

Maybe I should just stop talking to Stephen, stop seeing him. It would make everything so much easier, everything was easy before but then Stephen came into my life.

It wouldn't be easy to push him away.

I like him.






He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now