He's A Married Man

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Important!! : okay, so I've started writing a new story. I haven't named it yet BC..well idk what I should name the story but it's about a little girl that at the age of 2 or 3 she lost her voice. She met Andy at the age of 3, but yah now Andy is like six years older than her, so he would be about 9 or 10. Anyways, she's not allowed to leave her house without her mom or her dad. Her mom has put a line that separates her house and the streets. One day, a few guys were trying to kidnap Andy but the little girl (I still don't have a name for her) went and tried to help him (so she ended up crossing the line) but the guys ended taking her and her parents along with Andy haven't found her and it's been 10 years since that happened. I don't know if you guys would be interested in reading this story, I've already started writing this story but haven't published it, I don't think I would but I just want to know if you guys would read it.

1 month later

Autumn's POV

"So you're leaving for two whole months?" I asked, Andy stood in front of me, holding my hands. He sighed and slowly nodded. "Why?"

"I have work to do" he simply said, he said it like it was no big deal but it was for me. He's been here with me for a long time and it wouldn't feel the same without him here. Plus, I didn't know what job he had, it must be important if he has to go away for two months.

"You never told me what kind of job you have" I said looking at him, he sighed, shifting a little.

"I..I'm a business man" he frowned a little shaking his head.

I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded and lean in to give him a kiss. I just wanted to feel his lips before he left, it wouldn't be the same without him here.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked, sitting down on the couch and putting me on his lap stroking my hair.

"I have a photoshoot tomorrow at 1 o'clock" my hands were shaking, I didn't know how to tell him what they wanted me to.

He moved away the small piece of my hair that had fallen on my face, rubbing my arms clearly noticing that I was nervous of something.

"Babe what's wrong?" He wouldn't mind would he?

"They want you to come with me tomorrow and do some shootings with me" it felt like the air couldn't get in my lungs, everything seemed slow, until he's laugh snapped me out of wherever I was at.

"I leave next week so of course I would go with you" I felt relief. "Kiss?"

I turned my head and looked at him, he was pointing at his lips, I grinned and kissed him. The kissed turned into being gentle and calm to..lust.

He pushed me down the couch getting in between my legs. His hand went underneath my shirt stopping at my bra. I should of stopped him but I didn't. I don't know why I didn't.

He unclasped it, slowly taking it off of me, leaving my shirt on. I kissed down his neck leaving some love bites. He groaned and turned his head over. "Did you just leave me a hickey?" I stayed quiet.

Did he not want me to?

"Y-yes" I stuttered, I was scared he would scream at me for doing that. He sighed and looked at me in my eyes.

"Then I guess I'll have to do the same" and in seconds he was nibbling on my neck.

•| next day |• (see I didn't go into much details)

The next morning I woke up with the sun shining on my face, I rolled over hitting something hard with my arm. I opened one eye and noticed that it was Andy.

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now