He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

"Where are you going" asked Kayla when she saw me coming down the stairs. "And why are you dressed like that?" I looked down and frowned seeing nothing wrong with the outfit I was wearing.

"I'm going out" I said shrugging.

"With who?" She followed all the way to kitchen, crossing her arms she arched an eyebrow and glared at me. She always glaring though, I need to take her to the eye doctor.

"Someone" I said. At that she started asking questions.

"Is it Andy?" I froze, I didn't want to tell her because then she'll be all over me for a week or maybe a month. She gasped and clapped squealing. "Oh my god! You're going on a date with that guy!" I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything. "You're not going out like that"

"What? Why not?" I asked looking at her weirdly.

"You look like a fucking hobo"

"What's wrong with me looking like a hobo? It's alright to be a ho-" she put her hand on my mouth shushing me.

"Dressing time!" I groan and prepared for all the torture I was going to go through.


"It's still the same way I was dressed before" I said shrugging. She gasped and slapped my shoulder.

"What do you mean the same?! You literally always dress like a hobo"

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"What do you mean the same?! You literally always dress like a hobo"

"Like I said earlier it's okay to be hobo" I said calmly before shooting her a smile.

"I love your smile, it's so cute and bright"

"Eh yeah okay bye" I turned around and started walking towards the stairs.

"And the dress makes your ass pop out mo-" I put my finger on her mouth shushing her.

"Let's not talk about it" just then the door bell rang. Kayla squealed and literally jumped the whole stairs opening the open with a smile and open arms.

"She's ready, she looks amazing, just in case you know the dress shows off her curves and her as-"

"KAYLA" I interrupted her before she could even finish the sentence. She held up both her hands in defense.

"I'm just saying though" she chuckled and wave at me before literally pushing me to him and shutting the door close.

"Oh well, isn't she lovely" his voice caused me to look at him and closed my mouth. I probably looked award with my mouth open.

"Yeah sometimes" I shrugged and stood there awkwardly.

"Shall we go?" He asked holding out his hand for me to take. I nodded and hesitantly took it. Fuck what if my hand was sweating. "You look beautiful"

What do I say back, shit. "Thank you" I smiled, "you look..handsome" I wanted to slap myself. He smiled and opened the door to his car for me. I nodded in thanks and got in him shutting the door behind me.

He got in the car and started driving away.


The way to the restaurant was awkward and weird. He was mostly the one talking and asking questions and then there's me nodding and answering with short answers. What if he thought I was a very boring person? What if he ditches me knowing this was a bad idea? Fuck I would never go out on a date ever.

We sat down on a table, I immediately looked at the menu covering my face so he wouldn't see me.

"Hello, I'll be your waitress for tonight, what would you like to order?" The rather cute guy asked, he looked like he was in his early twenties.

"I'll get a pasta" I said smiling at him and handing him the menu. He wrote it down and turned Andy.

"I'll get the same" he said glaring at him.

After that he started the conversation as always. We got our food and started eating. Once we finished he payed and we left but not before wrapping his arms when we were walking past by the waitress. This is so weird.

I eventually slipped away from his grasp and gave him a small smile.

"I had a great time thank you" I said before grabbing his hand and gave it a squeeze. What the fuck Autumn, really. I turned around to leave but he stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going home" I said looking down, was I not supposed to go?

"Silly, I'm taking you home now get in the car." He grabbed my hand and led me to his car, doing what he did earlier.

Once we got in the car, he didn't start it, we both stayed in silence. I was afraid to breath, I didn't know why I just thought it would of disturbed the silence.

"You're really pretty Autumn" I blushed at his compliment.

"Thank you" my face was heating up. "You are very handsome and polite" someone kill me I'm ruining this.

"And I really want to keep going out with you, if that is okay with you"

I didn't know if I should say yes or no. He's a nice guy. That's how I can describe him for now. So maybe yeah why not.

"That would be nice"

And with that he took me home.



He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now