He's A Married Man

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This chapter is slightly confusing because I literally just wrote whatever came up and I'm sorry if this breaks you ): but it gets better :D

Andy's POV

I grabbed my daughter and handed her to a nurse who quickly took her recognizing me, she told me not to worry that she'll take good care of her, I believed the woman, so I quickly ran towards Autumn room.

And what my daughter had told me was true, she was screaming from pain, sweat was running down her throat and face. She kept shaking, she almost– scratch that– she looked possessed.

"Are you the husband?" a different nursed asked putting her hands on my chest to stop from going any further into the room. I wanted to push her hands away when I felt them roam around.

"Yes I am" with that I pushed her away,
and went inside the room. Autumn was breathing heavily, tears streaming down her face. I rushed over to her side and grabbed her hand, almost immediately she squeezed it tightly. I didn't care though, she was in more pain than I was feeling right now.

"I-I won't be able to do this" she managed to say, closing her eyes and breathing in. I moved a few hairs away from her sweaty face and kissed her forehead, I wanted to calm her down and tell her that she could do it but something inside me told me the opposite. She had just been in a car accident, she was weak, she couldn't do this.

I felt bad to think about that but it was true, and because of that her life was in danger. "Yes you can honey" she shook her head sobbing.

"She's not giving birth to both of them, she's giving birth to only one child. We don't know which one but he or she is about to be born" a female doctor informed me, though my attention wasn't on her, it was on my girlfriend. Fuck, I don't even know if she's my girl. "She's gonna have to push now"

My head snapped up to her direction, "No! She can't she's just been in a fucking car accident! She's fragile!" I tried to change the doctors mind but it was no use, she simply shrugged me off and told Autumn to push. She didn't even think twice, she held my hand tightly and started pushing.

I wanted to be in her position, I wanted to be the one in pain instead of her, I just wanted her to feel better. She let out a big breath and shut her eyes shaking her head. "I can't do this anymore"

The doctor looked up and looked at the nurses, they all suddenly started moving again, grabbing new stuff. "We're going to have to do caesarean"

The fuck is a caesarean?

Before I knew it, Autumn was pushing again, her veins were showing. "Andrew tell her to stop pushing! Her body can't do it!"

And that's why I did, I tried to tell her to stop pushing but she said she didn't want them to do a caesarean to her, she already had enough scars and that it will only ruin her body and career.

I was so mad at her right there, how can she be thinking about that right now? She might lose her life because of this and the only thing that's on her mind is her body and career. "She's losing blood again"

Blood. All that seemed to be on the floor and on the bed was blood. I wanted to faint, I wanted this to over, I wanted to be home with her and Valerie in my arms cuddling together like a family. I wanted to go back to normal, I didn't want to be here right now, I really didn't. I don't think I would be able to handle this anymore. I didn't want this.

I slowly let go Autumn's hand but while I did, a cry suddenly filled the whole room.. But I didn't look, I just stared at floor. At this time, I didn't care about anything, if she didn't, why should I too?

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now