He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

"I thought you weren't coming" Andy softly whisper into my ear sending shivers down my spine. I smiled and looked at him taking his hand in mine.

"Why would you think that?" I asked, he shrugged and got comfortable in the seat.

"For all that I've done to you, I thought that you changed your mind, got tired of me so you just decided to not come" I frowned and shook my head.

"I would never do that, but let's not talk about this, I don't want this to ruin the moment" he nodded and closed his eyes instantly falling asleep. I look at the clouds thinking about how Kayla was doing right now.


"Autumn please I know you told me to stay out of your relationship but please hear me out. I want to help you" Kayla begged, she was still in front of my room. She didn't even leave after I slammed the door on her face.

"You can't help me, I already made my decision" but in reality I haven't and I didn't want to.

"No you haven't, just please let me help you" I sighed and opened the door, she was looking down at the floor but looked up when I opened it.

"Talk" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

She sighed, "you will go with Andy" I scoffed at her. "Please just let me talk" I stayed quiet for her to continue. "I'm going for you to the photo shoot"

"Kayla are you dumb? They'll kick you out-"

"I would be dressing up as you" ....

"You are dumb, they'll notice that it's not me, plus you can't look like me, you're shorter than me, you don't look nothing like me" she sighed and nodded.

"You know I'm good at painting and all that stuff, I can make something look real, I'll look like you and they will fall for it. Then you won't have anything to worry about" she was crazy this wouldn't work.

"For that to do, you'll take ages" she rolled her eyes.

"No I won't, I have everything I need, I just need you" I sighed and rubbed my temples. It's worth a shot though.

"Okay let's do this"

End of flashback

After that everything went well, she did managed to look like me, it was like she was my twin sister. She had to wear heels to match my tallness. But she did do an amazing job and I had to thank her for what she's doing right now.

•| few hours later |•

"Oh my god I'm dying it's so hot" Andy groaned fanning himself. We were now walking to the hotel we were going to stay for this week. I chuckled and looked at what he was wearing.

"That's what you get for wearing all black" he looked at himself.

"I can walk shirtless" he smirked at me, I shrugged my shoulders at him.

"Go ahead" he gasped and touched where his heart was.

"So you don't care that any woman would look at me and get images of me and her doing things?" I shook my head at him making him gasp even more but he choked.

"No because you're still mine and I know you won't go with them" he smiled and put his arm around my waist resting his hand on my hip pulling me closer to him.

"True but you gotta stop wearing crop tops, all guys look at you like if you were some sort of meat..I wouldn't blame them but like you are my girlfriend" he whined glaring at a guy that pasted by looking at me. "You see"

"I won't stop wearing crop tops, one because I love them and two because I love you too much to leave you for somebody else" he gave me a kiss that lasted for one or two minutes. "Let's get to the hotel I need a shower"

"Can I join?"

I scoffed, "no" he grunt but kept walking with his head hanging low.


"Finally, you take centuries in there" I mocked a laugh and slapped his butt, his mouth fell open. "Did you just slapped my butt?" I nodded.

"Yes I did" he narrowed his eyes before nodding and closing the door slowly still looking at me.

I started changing into some new clothes, I put on a crop top shirt and a high waisted shorts, putting lotion on after, gotta smell good.

Right when I was about to do my makeup, Andy's phone started to ring. This time I didn't hesitate on answering.

"Hello?" There was a small silence before a small voice answer.

"Uh..daddy?" I frowned and looked at the caller ID, it said 'Megan'.

"What?" I whispered, who was this girl? Calling Andy daddy? (Lol what)

"Is my daddy there?" I didn't know what to say, I was shocked, froze.

"Autumn?" I turned around, Andy's face immediately showed worried. "Baby what happened?" I gave him his phone and walked in the bathroom locking it. It took a while before he cursed and started talking to whoever it was. I only catches a few words.

"Soon..yes I will..tell her to read you a book..she does Hun.." After that I couldn't hear anything else. I sat down on the toilet seat and waited. I didn't know for what but I did.

"Autumn open the door" and I did. He came in and looked at me, "it's not what you think look I can explain all this" he took my hands but I took them back.

"I think it's clear, are you cheating on me? Are you into all the daddy stuff?" He looked confused about what I had said.

"That kinky stuff? No. But look that girl was a little girl, she's my...niece"

"If she's your niece then why does she call you daddy?" He sighed.

"My cousins boyfriend uh passed away wen she turned one and I've always been with them through everything. Sometimes my cousin would have me take care of her for days until she was back from work, my..niece started seeing me as her dad and she's been calling me dad ever since. Autumn I swear I'm telling you the truth" he looked so serious, so maybe he was telling the truth and I was just jumping into conclusions.

"I believe you" I said, he smiled and hugged me. "I'm sorry for jumping into conclusions like that I should of-" he shook his head shushing me.

"I would of done the same" he gave me a small peck on the lips. "Now let's get ready"


Hi I'm back (: here's another chapter, I hope you guys like this one. I did 😅 Vote, Comment, Share it please, see you next chapter ❤️

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now