He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

I turned around and grabbed his face, smashing my lips on his. I had missed his arms around me, his lips on mine. I missed everything about him. I pulled away and put my head on his chest wrapping my arms tightly around him afraid to lose him again.

"I'm sorry" I whispered and hid my face.

"For what?" I frowned and stepped back, sadness took over my body and I let my head hang low. Aaron grabbed my face and kissed me again, I didn't though. This is wrong.

"No nothing" I said before walking off and trying to find Michelle. I had confused him with him. He eventually catches up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I needed to forget about him.

"Baby you did good" Aaron said smiling down at me.

"Thanks babe" I said, trying to match his smile but it wouldn't.

When we got outside I was immediately attacked by hugs by two people. I groaned and stumble a little. "Is this necessary?" I chuckled.

Michelle pulled back and wiped a tear, "oh my god, you looked so pretty in those dresses" she sighed dreamily. Aaron laughed and put his hand on my hip gripping tightly.

"Right? She'll soon be wearing one of them" oh yeah the wedding.

Jared smiled sadly at me, then looked back behind me. His smile only widen. "Autumn come please" I frowned.

"Why?" I asked, Michelle looked at what he was looking at and gasped putting her hand over mouth.

"Oh my god Autumn, he's-"

"Okay let's go to the restaurant" Aaron said pulling me towards our car. Jared and Michelle groaned in annoyance.


Andy's POV

I walked out of the building, with Lily walking besides me. She was a friend I met two years ago. She was also a model but she wasn't Autumn.

"So I was thinking maybe you and I should go to a restaurant" Lily stared up at me grinning. She was a sweet girl but she wasn't my type and I didn't like that way, she did.

"I don't know" I said looking around anywhere but her, scratching the back of my head.

"C'mon please" I sighed and eventually gave up.

"Okay let's go" she squealed and grabbed my hand running to my rent car. Her hands were warm, too warm. I miss Autumn's cold hands.

I sighed once again and looked around, my eyes connected with Jared's. My attention went to her, she seemed confused at what Jared was saying. She looked beautiful.

I smiled at the sight of her but then it soon disappeared when I noticed the guy next to her, he had his hand on her hip. Pulling her closer to him. I growled and pulled away from Lily's grasp heading their way. But they started to leave.

No. Don't leave. Please.

I cursed when they drove off.

"Andy are you okay?" I nodded.

"Yeah let's just go" I said.

Autumn's POV

"Damn this is place is..I don't know" Michelle said sitting across from me, Aaron by my side and Jared sat next to Michelle. I want to put these two together but I didn't know how.

"What do you want?" Aaron asked me. I shrugged and looked at the menu. It was quiet for a moment.

"Aye my homeboy! What you doing? Come here and join us" I heard Jared say, I rolled my eyes and kept on looking at the menu. It was probably one of his friends that lived here.

He placed two more chair at the table, okay maybe it was two friends of his.

"So how you been?" He asked them.

"Good I guess" I froze. That voice. It's the one that I've been wanting to hear for so long.

I slowly looked up.. My heart seemed to beat faster when my brown eyes met his blue ones.

He was here. He was actually here.

It suddenly felt like someone punched it right into my heart again. Those feelings I had for him came back, it was like my heart didn't even hesitate on letting them in. It just open up.

"Hello?" a hand waved in front of my face snapping me out of my thoughts. I blinked and tore my eyes from him.

"What?" I asked looking around. Jared and Michelle looked like this was exactly what they always wanted, considering they were smiling at each other giving themselves a high five.

I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Babe" No don't call me that.

I watch Andy squint his eyes at Aaron his mouth slightly hanging open. "What?"

Aaron looked at Andy. "I'm Aaron and this is Autumn" please don't say it, please. "My fiancé"

For the first time I wanted to beat the shit out of him. Was that really necessary?

A look of pain came across Andy's face but he quickly replaced it with a smile, it looked so real maybe it was.

"I'm Andy, and this is Lily"

The girl smiled excitedly, "I'm his girlfriend"

Andy's POV

My eyes widen. Why would she say that? She wasn't even my girlfriend and she was never going to be.

"That's no-" I was cut off by Lily's lips put on mine. Holy shit what was she doing? I pulled away and started talking to Jared wiping away her..saliva off me.

"Is she really your..?" I shook my head and rolled my eyes.


After we ordered our food we sat down in silence. That's when Lily decided to speak, I wanted to stitch her mouth shut. "So how did you two met?"

My eyes landed on Autumn, she looked down and cleared her throat but she didn't say anything.

"Jared, Michelle and Autumn came over to watch racing cars, I race" I don't care. "We bumped into each other, we went to eat, the next day I took Autumn out, months later I asked her out, she said yes" She wouldn't. "Two days ago I asked her to marry me and she said yes" She can't get marry to him.

"That's so cute" That's not cute at all, Autumn doesn't even seem to love the guy. "We should have a double date"

"I don't think that's a good-" Autumn was rudely cut off by the asshole.

"That'll be great" Lily and asshole smiled at each other, they can get together, I wouldn't care. It'll mean I can have Autumn back.

Autumn glared at him before standing up and heading outside saying something about needing air.

I felt a kick on my leg, I wince and look at Jared.

"Go talk to her" he hissed at me. I clear my throat.

"I need a smoke" I said before heading outside.

I looked around and saw her staring up the sky wrapping her arms around herself. The wind made her hair flow in such a beautiful way.

I needed to do this, before it was too late.


YAS I updated, do you think Autumn would get marry to Aaron?

also you guys should go and read my other book "Silent Screams" plssssssssssss

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now