He's A Married Man

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Still Andy's POV for, probably for only this chapter. & I'm sorry this sucks BC I honestly don't have any ideas for this chapter.

Andy's POV

"Can I carry her?" I once again asked the nurse. This was probably the hundredth time I asked considering all the other nurses would simply look at me and ignore, like I wasn't even there. The nurse turned to look at me, I swear if she ignores me, I will-

"Sorry, she can't be taken out of her cot, until her lungs are well developed" I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, before nodding and leaving the nurse to just see my daughter.

Autumn still hasn't woken up and it was starting to worry me but her doctor informed me that she would be waking up soon and that she was getting better. Same goes for Aaron, his injuries were starting to heal and he was able to walk around. He would sometimes go to her room and talk to his baby.

When I pushed open the door, I stopped on my tracks. There, standing and stroking my daughters cheek was Stephen. He had a small smile on his face, he was taking every single features that my daughter inherited from Autumn. "You're so beautiful" he whispered. "You're going to be just like your mother, beautiful and unique"

I didn't know whether it bothered me or not to watch him talk to my daughter. Who I still choose a name for her, I wanted Autumn to decide. I knew that she would still want Evelyn and I was ready to put that name on the certificate paper.

I cleared my throat, causing him to jump and quickly take both his hands out of the two holes the cot had. He looked at me and back at my baby girl. "Sorry"

"It's.. fine" I told him, going over to my baby. It's only been two days and it looked like she was getting better, she was strong.

"She's... beautiful" Stephen mumbled.

"I know" If only I knew what her eye color was. "She's more than I imagine her to be" I imagined her to have my skin color, but she had a tannish skin color, like when you're in the sun for a while you get a little tan. I expected her to have my lips but she got her mothers plump lips. Her hair was black, nor Autumn's or mine.

She was the definition of perfection.

"She's so tiny" And she was, if I was going to carry her, I wouldn't need both hands, maybe I will but rarely. But I knew she would get bigger as time goes by.


"Daddy can we take her home now?" Valerie stood on her tippy toes trying to get a better view of Evelyn or Justine. I grabbed her and lifted her up. She put her hand on the mirrors and her smile widen if it was even possible. "She's so pretty"

"Both my girls are beautiful" she giggled and hid her face on my neck. I gave my little girl a last smile and left to Autumn's room. I opened the door and sat Valerie on a chair, I gave her my phone and she gave me a smile.

The door once again opened and Stephen followed by Kayla and Michelle entered. Valerie squealed when she saw them, "Michelle!" she almost threw my phone on the ground nearly giving me a heart attack. She ran and hugged Michelle's legs grinning up at her.

"I feel so left out" Kayla pouted mocking hurt. Immediately my daughter gasp and ran towards Kayla.

"You're hurting my daughter" I said, Kayla and Michelle rolled their eyes at me. Of course they really didn't care considering it was all an act Valerie put.

"How is she?" Stephen came up to me after he hugged Valerie. I sighed and looked down at Autumn.

"She still hasn't woken up, it's been a week"

He nodded not saying anything else, I mean why would he? There wasn't much to talk about, I didn't really like him, he knew it and that just made him get awkward around me.

"You guys talk too much" I heard a familiar voice speak. I slowly looked down seeing Autumn rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. "What time is it?"

No one moved or said anything. That was, until Valerie screamed and jumped in bed with Autumn. It took a while for me to realize that she was actually awake. Until Kayla shook me. "Holy shit" I whispered.

Autumn rolled her eyes, "it's not like I died and came back to life"

"Well it feels like that now shut up and kiss me" I grabbed her chin and pulled her closer until our lips met, it felt like it was the first time we kissed. Her lips were cold not the usual warm ones but that didn't matter, the only thing that did was that she was awake now.

"You technically almost did die" Kayla mumbled then looked around to avoid the stares we were giving her. From the corner of my eye I saw Autumn frown then it hit her.

I sighed and turned to look at the others, "could you guys leave us alone for a while?" they all nodded and left the room with Valerie.

"I-I didn't mean to" she looked down at her hands and started picking on her nails, something she did when she was nervous.

"Why did you?" I questioned.

"They were going to do a c-section on me, I couldn't allow that"

"Why not?" she bit on her lip, another habit.

"Because of my career, because I didn't want my body to get any more damaged than it already was. I've always wanted this and a kid wasn't going to ruin that for me" The only thing I felt was anger. "I never wanted this"

I clenched my jaw, was she serious now? "Then you shouldn't have open your legs"

She stared at me, her jaw was dropped. "Excuse me?"

I stood up aggressively, "I mean, Autumn you lost a lot of blood! and you could've died! You could've killed my daughter! You could've killed Aaron's kid!"

"But I didn't" I couldn't believe her right now. She wasn't Autumn, the Autumn that I knew wouldn't have done that or said those stuff. They were heartless.

"How can you say that?"

"I told you..I never wanted this, I did but not now. I'm not ready to be a mom, I can't take care of two babies when I can barely take care of myself. I'm not capable of doing it. I just can't.. and I won't"

"Then why did you keep them?"

She slowly looked up at me, "That's what I ask myself all the time, why did I keep them?"

"So all the talking about how much you love them was bullshit?"


"Then I'll just take my daughter with me. It won't matter to you anyway because you never cared about her or him" I turned to leave but stopped, "She's beautiful just so you know, it's a shame you won't be able to see the beauty she will become"

I opened the door ready to step out but her voice stopped me, "Justine, her name is Justine"

I felt my heart fall to the ground and shatter. Was this really happening? No, this couldn't be happening. It was all a dream, oh how bad I wanted to wake up right now with her in my arms and get over this nightmare.

But I knew this was real. So I left, without another word.


So this chapter sucks because really I didn't know what to write. I'm sorry I don't know where all these came up from but it'll all get better soon the book isn't over yet, so don't worry.

Autumn and Andy?


Autumn and Stephen?

Ten comments for the next chapter

I'm starting to do this now, I'm sorry ):

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now