He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

"So what, you and him are together now?" Kayla sat on my bed looking at every move I made. I nodded happily, I was truly happy, even though it had only happened yesterday when he asked me to be his, it felt like I've been with him from the moment I bumped into him. "Are you sure you love him?"

"I never said I did" she looked at me confused.

"But the other day you told me that you loved him" I sighed knowing that she was right, I have said that but I wasn't thinking right back then. I was desperate to say those words.

"I know but now..I don't know" she groaned and slumped down my bed covering her eyes.

"What about Stephen?" I missed him. I like him.

"He's just a friend" that hurt to say, there were times where I just wanted to be with Stephen. Knowing that he does the same thing I do now, he can experience these feelings with me.

"You know him more than you do with Andy" I was getting tired of her saying all this.

"Kayla stop, don't do this." She knew why I didn't want her to keep on asking me or saying stuff like that. I'll immediately start debating if it was right for me to be with Andy without knowing much about him, or if I should of stayed with Stephen. And I didn't want to think about that for once, I just wanted to be happy.

"Okay, I won't, but, when are you seeing Stephen?" I had a feeling she liked Stephen, she always kept on asking when he's coming, have I talked to him, when am I going to, and if I am then to give her the phone. Maybe I should let her take him.

"Not soon, he won't be able to come for this whole month, he got work..to do" she pouted.

"So...I'm going to be alone?" I was leaving to Arizona today, in like six hours, for some shooting I had to do there.

"You know you can text, call or Skype me anytime you want" I softly smiled at her, grabbing both her hands and rubbing her knuckles with my thumbs.

"It's not the same, the house would be hella silent, it's going to be so weird without you here. Just like before"

"It won't be long, time flies" she rolled her eyes and nodded then helped me pack.


"Andy convince her not to leave us" she whined while he was driving to the airport. "Tell her how much you'll miss her and how much you love her maybe that'll convince her" I snorted a laugh shaking my head.

"Kayla I can't stop her from what she loves doing" gotta love Andy.

"Ugh" with that she gave up and looked out the cars window. It suddenly started to rain, she quickly closed the window and stared. A song by Adele came up and I swear she acts like I was already gone.

"HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDE" she sang loudly into my ear, I cringed at her horrible singing voice, "I MUST OF CALLED A THOUSAND TIMES" she fakes crying on my shoulder. "This shit matches my mood right now" she said.


"Kayla, I swear I'll murder you" I said trying to free myself from her tight grasp she had on me. "Andy"

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now