He's A Married Man

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One Year Later

Autumn's POV

"You should get this" Andy said holding up a choker, I always choked on the air. The choker had a the words 'Daddy' on it. I grabbed it and looked at it more closely. It was like a belt.

"Why?" I said chuckling

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"Why?" I said chuckling.

"Because I'm daddy" I rolled my eyes and started laughing. "It's true"

"You wish" I put the choker back and looked at the rest of the chokers. After I got some stuffs that I wanted I exited the store.

"Wait I forgot something" Andy said going back to the store, I sat down on one of the benches that were on the mall patiently waiting for him to come back.

He came back with a satisfied grin on his face, "okay we can go" what could he possibly forget that took him twenty minutes? I shrugged it off, lacing my hand with his. I loved how his hand felt, it was so soft and warm, it fit perfectly with mine.

"What did you get?" I asked, he stared down at me, his eyes traveling down my neck.

"Something you'll love"

"Another you?" He scoffed.

"I suck no one would want another Andy here" I gasp holding my chest. "What? It's true"

"Why would you say that?"

"Because..I don't know. Hey let's go to the beach" he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the mall.


"Because I know how much you love the beach, so let me take you" I narrowed my eyes, he never once took me to the beach ever again, he said 'because it was too public'

"But we have to walk all the way there" I whined, he kissed my temple giving me a gentle squeeze on my hand.

"It'll be worth it"

After a long ass walk we finally got to the beach, I sighed in relief. "Finally" I groaned. "But, why are we here?" I stared at Andy waiting for him, he looked down at the sand kicking it with his foot.

"You know I love you so much right?" I nodded unsure why he even asked that question. He walked towards me grabbing both my hands in his slowly kissing my knuckles. "I want you to someday become my wife" he whispered.

He reached for his pocket taking out a black box that had a ribbon on the top. He opened it and I gasped, he wasn't going to..right?

"It's not a engagement ring" I let out a breath, it's not that I didn't want to get married, I did, but not at this age, I'm only 20. "It's a eternity ring"

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now