He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

Everything was back to normal the next day, after Stephen had kissed me in the meadow, he apologized for his actions before taking me home, not daring to look at me. I for some reason felt bad but didn't do anything about it.

The next day, I called Andy to see if he had changed his mind, but he wouldn't answer my calls or text, maybe he was busy doing work. Fuck I don't even know what kind of job he has. He could be an engineer, singer, artist, anything, I needed to find out.

I eventually started looking for a modeling kind of job, I knew I was going to start from the bottom, I didn't mind, I just wanted my dreams to come true.


"Oh my god!" Kayla cheered jumping up and down. Okay so let me tell you what's been going on. It's been two months of me doing my best to be a model, I've been going state to state doing random shootings until I was officially a model.

Oh and it's been two months that I haven't talked to Andy, trust me I have try everything to get him to talk to me or at least go out, but he wouldn't even read my text.

I would of gone to his house but I didn't know where he lived. I so badly wanted to know what was wrong, I couldn't get this guilty feeling off of me.

And Stephen had to go back to London.

"Autumn I'm so happy for you!" Kayla hugged me tightly, literally with all the energy she had on her. She pulled back and wiped away the tears that had fallen.

I stared at her in shock, "Kayla don't cry" I said wiping her tears that kept on falling with my thumb. "But why are you even crying"

"Because finally you got what you always dreamed of, I know it only took two months but fuck it's like you didn't even start from the bottom, you just took pictures of your self and then you kept on getting request, you left, you came, on and on, until finally this happens. I'm just so happy with you" she looked down at the floor biting her lip. "Your parents would be so damn proud of you" and that made me cry.

"I shouldn't have said that" she whispered.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure they are" I mumbled wiping away my tears.

"Did you tell Stephen the news?" I shook my head. "Why not?"

"Not yet" I whispered shrugging. "I.. Want to tell Andy first" she rolled her eyes at the mention of his name.

"Why can't you forget about him?"

"I can't, I won't, I would never forget about him. He's been-" she put her finger on her lips shushing me, she pointed towards the window.

I didn't want to look, what if something creepy was staring at us like those scary movies. "Look" she whispered, I shook my head afraid of seeing a horrible burned face. She sighed and turned my body facing the window.

I didn't even have time to close my eyes. I sighed in relief when I noticed that there wasn't anything.

"What do you want me to see?"

"You go see and I'll be at the door" for some reason I listened to what she told me to do.

Slowly pulling the curtains, there was a shadow trying to hide. "Kayla what if it's a serious kille-" I didn't even finish my question when I saw her run and scream towards it. The person or whatever it was screamed falling back. "Kayla!"

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now