He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

"There is nothing wrong with your kids Mrs..Carson" the doctor said looking at the clip board every once in a while to make sure he was saying everything right.

"Then why was I bleeding?" I asked, I was still kind of in shock when he told me I was having twins. Twins. No wonder my stomach was growing so fast. I'll look like a watermelon in five months.

"Don't worry, it's just what was left of your period" I cringed and looked anywhere but at the doctor, this was embarrassing for me. "Your husband and some friends of yours wants to see you"

"Let them in" he nodded and left the room giving me a few minutes to think what I'll do with these kids. They would sure as hell ruin me, my body, and my career.

I wasn't ready to have a kid, let alone two. Fuck I'm only twenty one years old and Aaron is like five to six years older than me, and this is what he always wanted. I closed my eyes and turned my head towards the window, it was cloudy, it represented my mood at this moment.

The door opened and in came Aaron with a huge smile on his face, followed by a frowning Michelle and a very upset looking Andy. What was he doing here? I shifted uncomfortable that he was here to see me like this.

"Baby" I smiled and hugged Aaron tightly, I needed one from anyone. He gave my hand a squeeze before pulling back. "Is it true?" As horrible as this sounds, I didn't want it to be true, I don't want to be pregnant, I don't want these kids, not at this moment.

"Yeah" He looked at Michelle and Andy who both tried to put a smile on their face but they were failing. "They don't know the genders yet"

"Of course not you idiot, you'll find out when you're four to five months pregnant" Michelle rolled her eyes and sat down on a chair earning a glare from the two men's that stood in each side of me.

"Don't talk to her like" Aaron hissed.

"That is how we talk to each other" she shrugged her shoulders, he looked back at me as in if he was waiting for me to tell him if it was true. I nodded and he sighed. "Oh look, Aaron come with me, I want coffee"

Michelle jumped out of the chair and grabbed Aaron's wrist dragging him out of the room not giving him a chance to decide if he wanted to or not. And then I was left alone with Andy.

It was silent for a good two minutes, Andy playing with his fingers and I was tugging down on my hair. If anyone came in here, they would sense the awkwardness that was filling this room.

"So, um, how are you feeling?" he asked clearing his throat a little. How was I feeling? Horrible.

"Good I guess" I mumbled and he nodded scratching the back of his neck, taking a look at me from the corner of his eye.

"You're going to be a..mom" I cringed again, he clearly saw that giving me full attention now. "Why?"

"I can't control the sperms" he shook his head stopping me.

"That's not what I meant"

"I'm not ready to be a mom Andrew, this is not what I want, well I do but not at this age, I want to live, I don't want to be stuck at home taking care of two kids. They are going to hold me back. The only thing these kids would do is ruin me"

"This isn't like you Autumn, you can't say that. You should be happy of having kids, these kids will bring happiness in your life, it will make the house come alive. Yes you may feel like the only thing they'll do is ruin you but at the end..you'll end up loving them no matter what." He gave me a small smile and hesitantly put a hand on my stomach rubbing it so softly, it made my heart flutter. "The only thing they'll bring is happiness, that's it"

I needed to tell him, I wasn't sure if the two kids were his or Aaron's. "Andy I need to tell you something" I moved a little giving him space to sit down next to me.

"What is it?" he took my left hand and frowned at the sight of my wedding ring. I sighed and looked away.

"Remember when you came to my house..two months ago?" he smirked and nodded, "Well um, the same night I..did..it..with..Aaron"

"Well he is your husband" he whispered softly.

"No Andy, did you wear a condom" he stopped stroking my hand and slowly looked up at me. He opened and closed his mouth before shaking his head.

"No" he quickly got up and covered his mouth with his hand staring at me with wide eyes. "Are you saying that..one of them..or both, could be..mine?" Was I? Yes I was.

"I don't know" I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head letting out a frustrated sigh. This was all shit.

"You- We have to tell him"

"No! Are you crazy?"

"Yes! I'm crazy to find out if those kids are mine Autumn! He can't just go home and take something that may and is mine"

"I'm not yours" I stated.

"You've always been mine"

I sat silent for a second. Suddenly the door opened and Aaron came with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I swear I'm never going anywhere with Michelle" Michelle gave him a toothy smile and sat down on the chair. "She literally took me to every coffee shop trying to find her favorite one and she end up getting one from here"


After a while, I was finally able to go back home. I put the clothes that Michelle got for me and left the hospital with Aaron besides me holding my hand and the other two walking behind me.

"It was really nice of you two to come over" Aaron smiled at them, Andy was looking down at his feet, looking as in if he was fighting something.

"They're not yours" he mumbled, I never wanted to punch someone so hard. "They're mine"


"The kids are mine"


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He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now