He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

I stared down at Valeria, noticing how she was still following me. "I'm Autumn" I said looking around for her parents, they must be worry. "Where are your parents?"

"My daddy is in there" she pointed at the park hugging her teddy bear closer to her. Since when did she get that bear?

"How old are you?" She held up three fingers, for a three year old girl she was hella smart and could talk. "You should go to your dad, he's probably worried about you"

"Come?" She didn't even have me a choice, she grabbed my hand and started walking to the park.

When we got there she wouldn't let go of my hand. "You're pretty" I smiled down at her returning the complement. "Look!" She exclaimed pointing at a tall figure that was desperately looking around.

It was Andy.

I didn't know what to do, should I talk to him? Should I leave? I leaned over about to whisper something to her but Andy had turned around and noticed both of us.

He stopped walking when he locked eyes with me, I for some reason wanted to cry, hug him, and slap him. I mean I had a pretty good reason to do that right?

"Daddy!" The sound of Valeria's voice made me snap out of my thoughts.

Was this the little girl that had called him during our sort-of-vacation? His niece?

"Valeria oh my god where have you been? Don't ever do that again you hear me? I wouldn't know what I would do wi-" he cut himself out looking into her brown eyes. "I don't know what your mother would have done to me"

"Nothing" Andy gave her a look that immediately quiet her making her look down the hard floor.

He stood up dusting off his jeans before looking up at me giving me a small smile.

"Thank you fo-" I held up my hand stopping him from talking.

"It's nothing" with that I waved at Valeria and took off. A hand grabbed my wrist stopping me from walking out of the park.

"We need to talk" he said tightening his grasp on my wrist but not hard enough that it would leave a bruise.

I looked over my shoulder, "about what?" I asked, I knew what he wanted to talk about but I for the moment didn't, but I knew that someday I had to.

"About what happened a few days ago"

"There's nothing to talk about Andy, that was your way of breaking up with me. I get it, you don't want to be with me anymore" when I looked up at him the only thing I saw was confusion, it was all over his face.

"What? Autumn no, I would never break up with you" he stroked my cheek softly. "My..cousin called me when you got out of the shower, she told me that Valeria had fallen off the stairs and had hit her head pretty badly. Autumn she was alone, she didn't have anyone. I texted you but you never answered back"

"The only text I got was the address of where the restaurant was at" he looked nervous at first but then checked his phone.

He cursed under his breath, "I forgot to press send" he mumbled. He put his phone away and grabbed my hands kissing my knuckles. "Baby I didn't mean to leave you behind, I wanted you to come but you never answered me so I took that as a 'go'"

He looked behind him before he quickly turned and pressed his lips on mine. Shivers ran down my spine, I had missed the way his lips felt on mine, so soft and warm.

"Forgive me?" I didn't even hesitate.


I should of known that this decision would only hurt me more.


Short AF and boring chapter but I promise that next chapter would be better than this one.

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now