He's A Married Man

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I'll probably delete the story "Love Doesn't Exist" I really don't have anymore ideas for it, and I am thinking of publishing "Silent Screams" (that's the title for the book I'm writing RN) the picture below is the cover I'm using ((:

I'll probably delete the story "Love Doesn't Exist" I really don't have anymore ideas for it, and I am thinking of publishing "Silent Screams" (that's the title for the book I'm writing RN) the picture below is the cover I'm using ((:

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Autumn's POV

"Can we meet somewhere?" I quickly answered with no hesitation in my voice.

"Sorry, now is not the time" with that I hung up probably leaving him staring at his phone, I didn't care though. I knew how Andy felt about him being anywhere near me.

"Babe I want you to meet someone" Andy grinned down at me showing off his perfectly whiten teethes.

"Who?" His smile grew bigger, it almost looked like the joker.

"Someone, I just hope you're ready to meet them"

My mind gave me a hint to who it might possibly mean and my heart flutter at the thought, that means it's a big step right? I hope so, even though we haven't been together long, I love him so much, it doesn't even feel real but it is and I'm happy is it.

"Okay" he bend down and pecked me on the lips earning an aw from Michelle who snapped a picture of us.

"You are my otp" I rolled my eyes and said bye to everyone before leaving.

"They get here tomorrow, I leave in a week so it'll work out"

I hope they like me, I want to make a good expression of myself.


The day finally came, I was nervous, and I was having second thoughts. What if it wasn't them and he just wanted me to meet some of his friends? God I don't know what I would do.

But then I didn't care.

I dressed appropriately, just incase, you gotta make a great expression everywhere. I dressed into a red dress, that shows off all my curves. I curled my long brown hair, then applied some make up, not too much. I put some bracelets to match my dress and heels.

"Babe lets go" when he came in his jaw dropped, and his eyes widen. "Wow"

"Is this too much?" I twirled around giving him a chance to take a look.

He blinked and opened his mouth, then closing it again. I chuckled and patted his cheek, "c'mon" he groaned and wrapped his arms around my waist, walking behind me.

"You look amazing as always but damn I don't think I'll be leaving your side anytime" he smiled down at me giving me a kiss before closing the door and leading me to his car.


We stopped at a very fancy restaurant, I turned and looked at Andy, "why are we here?"

"Because I want you to meet someone" I nodded and suddenly I was feeling nervous, my hands were sweating, my legs felt like they were made of jello. "Don't worry they'll love you"

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now