He's A Married Man

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*Autumn POV*

The guy blinked twice, he gulped and cleared his throat. "I'm" he said before standing up and giving me a hand pulling me up. Just by saying that one word, I could tell his voice was pretty deep. "I'm sorry, I'm uh kind of drunk or a lot, uh" he said looking at the floor, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm sorry"

He took one step and stumble a little, the bartender came and pull him out. Kayla came to next stumbling too, she was drunk. It only took her one or two shots to drink and she's drunk as fuck.

"Sooooo that guy huh" she winked at me, my mouth fell open and I only stared at her. She couldn't stop smirking. I swear her mouth is fucked up like her life but I love her.

"Kayla there's no guy in my life coming soon" she rolled her eyes at me putting her arms around my shoulders.

"Yeah sure, but I'll tell you that that guy will be in your life sooner or later"

"No he won't, can we go?" I asked going to the chair I was sitting down on before, grabbing my jacket. She pouted but sighed and nodded.

"Let's go!" She screamed in my ear.


"KAYLA YOURE GOING TO GET US KILLED" I screamed, my grip on the wheel tighten even more when she jumped in front of me.

"But I want to dance with you" she whined, I struggled on looking at the road.

"Shit!" I screamed and stepped on the breaks (or whatever they call it). Kayla hit her head with mines, making my vision so a little fussy.

"Ugh you bitch"

"Dude shut up, it's your fault because you can't put your ass down"

"But why did you stop?"

"Because I almost ran over someone" I said getting out the car and walking to where the person was still standing looking at the car with wide eyes.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, did I hurt you? We should take you to a hospital and have you check up" I took his hand but he pulled it back.

"No stop, I'm fine" a light shined his face, it was then I noticed that it was the guy from the bar. He looked at me and sighed.

"Autummnnn isn't h-he the guy from th-e ba-ar?" Kayla said falling down her face giggling.

"Look it's fine, there's nothing to worry about-"

"Nah nah nah, you're coming with us okay? Okay, cmon" Kayla took him by his arms and put him in the car.

"Look I can't, I need to get home with my wi-" Kayla put her fingers on his lips shushing him.

"Stop talking, AUTUMN DRIVE"

I cursed her out under my breath before driving.

~•~•~•~•~skipping bc I'm too lazy to type•~•~•~•~•~

"Okay, so you mister is going to sleep with...wait" she spin around, giggled and groaning. She stopped but pointing at me. "YAY AUTUMN" she squealed.


"Dude shut up, you talk to much" she said holding her head before going up her room.

"You can have my bed, I'll sleep on the couch" I said grabbing the pillow that was on the couch.

"No it's fine, I'll just-"

"Seriously stop, just go and sleep, it's up the stairs first door to the left" he stood there looking at me, I smiled and pointed upstairs.

He sighed and went up.

He looked so kind and sweet, like he wouldn't even bare to hurt someone or something...


This sucks, I'm done, kms.

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now