He's A Married Man

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So I tried writing a chapter for Love Doesn't Exist for you guys but honestly I don't have any more ideas for it and I think I'll delete it idk yet

Autumn's POV

When we got home the only thing I heard was yelling, I knew Aaron was screaming at me for letting him do that and for ever wrapping my arms around him. I of course had to lie and tell him that I had mistaken him for Andy. He believed me.

But didn't sleep with me that night, he slept in the couch. It gave me a moment to think about what I told Andy at the beach. I knew it was true but I shouldn't have said that because then Andy would be all over me asking me if it was true.

And I would have to lie.

Three days later, Andy came by when Aaron wasn't home. When I opened the door he immediately crushed me into a hug. "Tell me what you told me in the beach was true" I bit my lip and looked down.

I sigh, "No, I confused you with Aaron" he frowned.

"So you miss Aaron? Even though you have him here twenty four seven?" I bit my lip and nodded. He scoffed at me, "You're lying"

"No I'm not, and leave before he gets here" I muttered and began pushing him out of the door: he wouldn't budge.

"He just left" He closed the door and put me against the wall holding my hands above my head. "Look at me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me" I tried getting out but he would tighten his grip on me.

"I don't" He smirked at me and before I knew it his lips were on mine. I moved my head away but he only grabbed it with his free hand and put his lips back on mine.

"Yes you do, I can see it in your eyes" I glared at him. I hated him for making me feel like this towards him. "I want you" He bit my lip hard making a moan escape my lips. I blushed and looked down. "He doesn't know you like I do"

Suddenly I found myself laying on the couch with him on top of me, and very slowly he started taking off my clothes. The worse part was..

I let it happen.


"Oh shit" Michelle gasp and stared at me with wide eyes. "What happen after that?" I shrugged and looked down at my shaky hands.

"Aaron came home but Andy was already gone, Aaron started drinking and I did too..I wanted to forget that ever happen between me and him. But at the end I ended up in bed with Aaron"

"Oh shit" I nodded and drink more water, fuck I was dehydrated and this hangover was killing me. "But at least they wore a condom so that's a relief"

That was the problem.

"No" Michelle smacked her forehead when she noticed the look on my face. "I swear if you end up pregnant I'm-"

"What do you mean? I'm not pregnant, they both wore it.." I was trying to convince myself that they did wore a condom but I was just lying to myself. Andy and I were too focused on each other that we may have forgotten to use one. Aaron and I were completely shit face.

"Well...girl if you get pregnant your career is over for you" I frowned at that. I haven't thought of that and the thought of losing my job scared me.

"No shut up, it won't be because I'm not pregnant. I'm not getting pregnant. Fuck no that won't happen. Ever"

"But wait..who was better?"


"What? I'm curious" I shook my head at her. The door then opened and Aaron came in with a big smile on his face.

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now