He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

I pulled up my shirt a little, stopping below my breast. I was showing, how is that possible? I'm only a month pregnant, I shouldn't be showing. I sighed and pulled my shirt back down, it was ruining me.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Aaron came in with a worry expression on his face. He wrapped his arms around me pressing his forehead on mine.

"Nothing" I said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" I nodded and gave him a kiss on his cheek. His hands started to go down my back and I immediately pulled back causing him to groan.

"Babe I need it" he whined.

"No you don't" he pouted and eventually pulled me by my waist and threw me on the bed, and that was that. I couldn't really say no to him considering he's my husband now.


"Shit" Aaron groaned and collapsed next to me, breathing heavily. I turned around so my bare back was facing him. It felt wrong. All this felt wrong. "Autumn"

I got up and started putting my clothes on, he sighed and got up coming towards me completely naked. I looked down and immediately regretted it, my face felt so hot and I was officially embarrassed. "It's not like you haven't seen it before"

"Shut up" I blushed, pushing him away and heading to the bathroom to take a shower. He knocked on the door.

"Can I join?"

"Nope" I said popping the 'P' he whined and tried to open the door but I quickly locked it causing him to whine more. I started taking off my shirt when I felt something hot run down my leg.

I looked at my feet and panicked, blood.

"Aaron!" I screamed, the door knob jingled. I winced as a hard pain made its way to my abdomen, I grip on my stomach fearing of the possibility of losing the kid. "Fuck Aaron!"

"Unlock the fucking door!"

"I can't" I gripped the sink tightly my knuckles turning whiter, by now the pain became worse making it hard for me to walk or sit down, the blood didn't seem to stop. Aaron started pounding on the door breaking it little by little.

If he was Andy, he would of already broken the door down.

After a minute, he knocked the door down and came in, fully clothed now. His eyes widen when he saw the amount of blood on the floor. "What happened?" he came to my side and I gripped on his arm.

"Take me to the hospital" I said through gritted teeth.

"Isn't this one of your periods?" I shook my head and tried walking but it only cause me to fall. "Okay let's go"

     •|•|Skipping BC I got nothing|•|•

Andy's POV

I jumped from my sleep hearing my phone ring right next to my ear. I groaned and put it on silent before closing my eyes again and attempting to sleep again.

My phone rang again, "Jesus!" I grabbed my phone and answered it, "What?"

"Andy get to hospital" I rolled my eyes and pulled my blanket over my head shutting my eyes.

"No" No one from my family or close friends were in LA, so why would I go to the hospital.

"It's urgent, I'm in front of you house, get the fuck out" I quickly got up from my bed and looked out the window. She was actually here.

"Go away Michelle" I closed the curtains and hanged up.

My phone once again ring letting me know I had a text. I sighed for the hundredth time and read the text, almost choking on my own saliva.

Something happened to Autumn, get down NOW

I desperately searched for my shoes, finding one outside my bedroom and one on under my bed. I didn't bother changing my sweat pants to jeans, this was Autumn were talking about.

Quickly getting shutting the door, I raced to her car and hopped in, she didn't give me time to close the door. "Jesus Michelle!"

She rolled her eyes and speed up to the hospital, her knuckles turning white. "Calm down" I said, she only glared at me. Right this was her best friend and my love.

Once we got there, she parked her car and ran to the hospital ignoring the glares we received from the nurses. I stopped on my tracks when I noticed Aaron staring at the doctor with wide eyes and mouth open.

"What?" He breathe out, Michelle frowned and turned him around so he was facing her. "She's pregnant" But Michelle didn't even looked surprised.

It felt like my whole world was crashing down. She was pregnant? With his kid?

Of course you idiot who else's would it be? He's her husband.

Michelle sighed and looked back at me, I grabbed her arm and pulled her in a quiet hall. "You knew this right?" she sighed and slowly nodded. "So you only brought me here to make me feel like shit?" 

"Andy no, look the kid could be yo-" She was cut off when Aaron came in with a huge smile on his face. I wanted to smack it off, it was supposed to be me.

"Kids" Aaron said grinning down the floor. "It's two"

"What do you mean?"

He looked up with teary eyes, "Twins"

I wanted to cry my eyes out.


Shitty and short but it's something ((:

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now