He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

I sighed and shrink deeper into the couch.

"Oh my god baby" I jumped when I saw Kayla throw herself at Stephen wrapping her arms around his neck. "Let's go upstairs because clearly we cant get privacy here" she jumped off him, grabbed his hand and took his upstairs.

"Baby" I said getting and greeting him with a hug, he didn't return it though. Jared cleared his throat and grinned widely.

"Sorry, I just needed to rest my arms around somewhere, it won't happen again mate" he slapped Andy's back and got out winking at me.

"Who is he?" Andy asked closing the door, he wouldn't look at me and it hurt me because I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't ask for Stephen to put his arm around my shoulders. But this feeling hit me so hard on the chest.

"He's Jared, I met him while I was doing a shooting in Arizona" he nodded and looked at the bouquet of flowers before giving them to me with a small smile.

"This is for you..I picked them" I took them from him, noticing the beautiful colors he had picked.

"They're beautiful, thank you" I leaned in to kiss him but he turned his head a little, making me kiss the corner of his lips. "I'm..tired you can stay or leave I don't know" I shrugged my shoulders as I went to the kitchen, grabbed a vase and put the flowers in it.

"Autumn" he said, reaching for my hand but I quickly moved it and race upstairs with him following. "I'm sorry" I shook my head at him.

"That's all you can say, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" I didn't know I had started crying until I felt them run down my cheek. "I can't keep doing this Andy, this isn't how a relationship should go" he tried to wipe away the tears but I only slapped his hand away. "I think we were better off as friends"

He looked at me as in if I had three or more heads. "Don't say that" he whispered, he put his hands on my hips staring down at me. "This is how it begins you know?"

"No Andy, this isn't how a relationship goes or begins, I'm not saying it doesn't happen because it does but in the middle of it. Not at the beginning" Andy slowly started to kneeled down his hands were still on my hips.

"I'll make it better, I promise I would just like I promised to take you to the moon. I promise to treat you like a queen, I promise to give you anything you want, I promise to take you everywhere, Paris, Europe, Africa, Egypt, Russia, South America, Germany, Miami anywhere. Everything just for you, I promise to love you even more than I already do and to take care of you" I wanted to sob and just tell him what I really felt, he really didn't deserve this, he deserved so much better.

"We're not getting married you know" my voice came out low. He was quiet for a few seconds.

"I'm going to marry you someday" fuck my feelings man. I wanted to love him..and I was.


"You good homie?" I rolled my eyes at Kayla and nodded.

"Thank you" I said, she turned around and looked at me with a face full of confusion.

"For what?"

"For what you did when Andy got here" she scoffed and grabbed a piece of her hair, putting it above her lips as a mustache.

"That old thing" she laughed and shrugged it off as if it was nothing. "I just didn't want to see you two fight over it, but I guess it still didn't work?"

"Not really, but we're good" it was silent for a moment before she started speaking again.

"Leave him"

I frowned and looked at her, "what?"

"Leave him" she once again said crossing her arms. I snort glaring at her.

"I'm not going to break up with him"

"You're miserable with him" why was she telling me all this?

"Who I'm miserable with him? In matter of fact I'm very happy with him, we're just going through the bumps of the road but we'll get through it" she went to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water.

"Really? At the beginning of a relationship?" I stared at the floor, I didn't know what to say. It wasn't true that I was miserable with him.

"It's none of your business Kayla" I sighed and turned to leave upstairs. She coughed.

"I'm your best friend Autumn, I have every right to get in your relationship" my mouth dropped and I stopped walking to my room.

"No you don't Kayla, just because you're my best friend does not mean you get to involve yourself in my relationship. You don't belong there. It's Andy and Autumn not Andy, Autumn and Kayla. A relationship is only for two and not three" by now I was standing in front of her, I didn't know how I got here.

"I'm still-" I groaned in annoyance before grabbing her glass of water and smashing it on her feet, she jumped in surprise, she stared at me with wide eyes.

"Stay away from my relationship" with that I went back to my room leaving her staring at the white wall.


"I got the tickets" I sat up quickly and stared at my phone screen where Andy was smiling big showing two plane tickets. So he was serious.

"Really?" A smile started to appear on my face.

"Yep, we're going to Miami first" my heart flutter at him, how did I get so lucky. "Start packing because we're leaving tomorrow at 11 am" he winked and send me a kiss before ending the call.

I squealed and quickly started packing, throwing all my clothes in my suitcase. Once I was finished, I realized that I literally left my closet empty.

My phone ranged, thinking it was Andy I answered it. "Heeyyyy" I heard a chuckle and sighed in disappointment.

"Oh damn that hurts you know?" Jared said, I laughed nervously.

"Sorry" I said.

"It doesn't matter, I was just calling to inform you that you have a photoshoot tomorrow at 11 sharp"

My heart dropped.

What was I supposed to do now..


Hi (: I updated ❤️ I only have one more exam to take and then I'm done with school ((:

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I liked this one tbh but that's just me

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now