Chapter 49

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Erik pressed his lips to Christine's forehead.

"My Christine... My priceless Christine..." He whispered, his breath warm against her skin.

She tilted her head upwards in order to reach his mouth before placing a kiss on his lower lip. He smiled subtly.

"So, what would you like to eat...?" He asked in a soft voice.

She gently nipped at his lip, causing him to blush madly.

"Now, now, Christine... Save this affection until after dinner... Please." Erik pleaded.

Christine stepped away from him and grinned sheepishly.

"Steak would be nice... But only if I can help." She said in a quiet voice.

Erik nodded.

"Alright then, let's begin preparing it." He replied as he paced to the kitchen.

The two worked together to create the meal, their efforts producing 2 plates of medium rare filet mignon. After the table was set, Erik pulled out a chair for Christine.

"Erik?" She asked as she sat down.


"...Would you like to join me in prayer?"

A look of disgust crossed Erik's features.

"No." He said firmly.

Christine frowned, then looked at him with "puppy-dog eyes".

"Please?" She begged.


"Pretty please?"


"Why not?"

There was a pause.

"Because... I don't believe in your Religion." Erik stated firmly.

"Erik, there's something you need to know... John 3:16 tells us that God loved the world so much that He gave us His Only Son. If we believe in Him, we won't perish! ...We can have eternal life because of what He has done for us!"

Erik scoffed at her.

"I'm serious, Erik. I want both of us to go to Heaven when we die."

"I have no chance..." Erik mumbled under his breath as he hung his head a bit.

"Look at me, Erik."

He refused to.

"Please, look at me."

He slowly lifted his eyes, which were filled with hopelessness, to meet Christine's, which were full of determination and love.

"You do have a chance. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, does. No matter what you've done with your life or how severe your sins may be, God is willing to accept you."

Erik froze for a moment.

"I need to think about this." He mumbled before standing and retreating to his bedroom.

(Hi, guys!!! Sorry for the cliffhanger... 😅 Anyways, I would like to thank you all for +20K views! I seriously didn't think "Fatal Flaw" would get this popular!! You guys are awesome!!!!!)

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