Chapter 23

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~The Next Day~

Erik was once again awoken by a knock on his door.

"Yes?" He asked groggily.

"Good morning, Erik!" Squeaked a voice from the other side of the door.

"Good morning, Christine." Erik replied.

"Breakfast is downstairs... I thought it would be nice if we could eat together!"

Erik smiled. He loved how Christine was always so sweet to him.

"I would love to eat with you. Please allow me to dress. I will meet you downstairs in a minute, mon ange."


Erik got out of his bed and walked to his closet. He opened the door and removed a standard suit, since he had to go to work that day. He dressed, applied his wig, and walked downstairs with his "eating mask" on.

Christine greeted him as he approached.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning, angel." He responded as he pecked her cheek, causing her to giggle.

"Have a seat, Erik. I made pancakes!"

Erik smiled as he sat down at the already set table, complete with a jar of syrup sitting in the middle. A few seconds later, Christine came to the table with 2 plates of delicious- looking pancakes. She set one before Erik, and sat down with her own. She flashed a small smile at him before taking a bite of pancake. Erik tried the breakfast as well.

"...Brava! ...Brava! ...Bravissima!" He said, complimenting Christine's cooking like usual.

She giggled as she took another bite from her plate. A few moments later, Erik noticed her trying to reach the syrup jar in the middle of the table... Sadly, her arms were too short to reach it.

"Do you need some help, my dear?" Erik asked, trying to stifle a chuckle.

"No thank you, I think I've got it." Christine responded politely.

Erik watched in amusement as Christine reached for the syrup for the next 30 seconds, her every attempt turning out to be a failure.

"Are you sure you don't need some help...?"

"Ummm... Yeah. I can do this."

Finally, after a few more tries, Christine realized that she couldn't reach the syrup jar. She frowned slightly and looked towards Erik, who couldn't help but chuckle. His right arm went to fetch the syrup, and the jar was in front of Christine in a second.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

The rest of breakfast was silent, except for the clanging of 2 pairs of forks and knifes against ceramic plates.

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