Chapter 39

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"No, of course not." Erik said, his smirk widening.

"Are you sure? If I recall correctly, you've used the name "Angel" for me multiple times..."

"I'm only being sarcastic, mon ange. Of course we're referring to you! I've been telling Nadir all about you while you've been at home."

"It's true! Monsieur Destler has been telling me all about how much he cares for you, which happens to be quite a lot." The Persian said as Erik grabbed Christine's hand.

A blush was faintly creeping onto her cheeks as she smiled and looked towards the masked man.

"Well... I care for him quite a lot as well." She said as she entwined her fingers with his.

"Nadir, would you be interested in some magic tricks?" Erik asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, I would."

"Alright, I'll be back in a few minutes. Christine, would you like to come with me to greet Monsieur Leroux and gather my supplies?"

"I'd love to!"

"Come along then, my angel."

    Erik began walking away, pulling Christine with him. They approached the gazebo, where Gaston sat gazing towards the customers. He saw the couple pacing towards him, and he stood up to meet them.

"Good morning, Monsieur Leroux." Said Erik.

"Hello, Erik. Hello, Christine. How are you two this morning?" Asked his boss.

"We're doing well, thank you." Replied Erik.

Gaston smiled warmly when he saw his employee's fingers intertwined with Christine's.

"Are you ready to start your shift?" He asked.

"Yes." Was Erik's simple reply.

"Good. I'll see you later, then."

    Erik nodded, turned, and began making his way back to the theater with Christine. They passed the customers and came upon the supply closet. He slowly let go of her hand and walked to the door. After he quickly gathered what he needed, Erik grabbed Christine's hand and led her to Nadir's table.

"I've returned, Daroga."

"I see that."

"...I'll start with a simple trick."

Erik removed a plastic coin from his pocket and handed it to Nadir.

"Plastic, correct?"


Erik took back the coin, made a fist and blew on it. When he opened it, the fake currency had transformed into a gold coin!

"Still plastic? I think not." He said proudly.

"May I have it?" Asked Nadir.

"...No." Responded Erik firmly with a smile.

"Are you sure?"


"Well then... May I see another trick?"


Erik slipped the coin into one of his pockets and pulled out a spoon.

"Nadir, can you do me a favor and bend this?" He asked while handing it to his friend.

Nadir tried several times to do as he was instructed, but he failed every attempt. Erik sighed.

"You need some help, don't you? Here, hand me the spoon."

The magician took the spoon in his hands and easily bent it, almost breaking it in half. Like last time, a man sitting a few tables away did a double take. Erik noticed and chuckled.

(Hi guys! I'm so sorry for being inactive lately... HoliDaaes can be busy, you know? I apologize for posting this chapter a week late, but I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading! You guys are awesome!)

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