Chapter 36

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"I was praying." Christine responded.

"Praying? To who?" Erik asked.

"To God... You know, the Almighty Creator of the universe?"

"I've heard of Him... But I don't believe. How can you, with your... Fatal flaw?"

"It's simple. His plan was for the two of us to end up together. If I didn't have my flaw, I would still be with Raoul! But because he divorced me, I came back to you. Erik, everything in our lives has happened for a reason." Christine explained.

"...Your faith is strong."

"Yes, it is. I'm determined to convert you, Erik."

"Hah, just try!"

"I'll work on you."

For breakfast, the pair drank coffee and ate crepes filled with hazelnut spread. Towards the end of their meal, Erik asked Christine if she would accompany him to work. She complied, and he raced upstairs to finish getting ready to leave after thanking Christine for the food.

"Hmmm... How can I convert Erik to Christianity...?" Christine asked herself.

"I could introduce him to the Bible... Or show him how to pray..." She mused as she walked towards the doors.

As Erik descended the stairs, he caught sight of Christine wearing a goofy smile.

"What?" He asked with a confused expression.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking." Christine responded, the grin still plastered on her face.

Erik shook his head, smirked, and walked towards the castle's entrance. He held the door for Christine, then walked beside her. He held her hand and led her to the stables, where Ayesha was waiting.

"I don't believe I've formally introduced you to my horse..." Erik said with a smile.

"You're right!" Christine responded.

"Her name is Ayesha. She's been my faithful companion for years."

"She's very pretty. Nice to meet you, Ayesha!" Christine giggled as she neared the horse with Erik.

"She loves having her mane brushed or stroked, and she's very affectionate." Erik stated casually.

Christine stood close to Ayesha and slowly reached towards her neck, while Erik supervised to make sure everything went smoothly. When her fingers came in contact with the black mane of the horse, Ayesha whined softly and flickered her ears as Christine smiled at how soft her hair was.

"So... Soft..." She mumbled, causing Erik to chuckle.

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