Chapter 30

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(Minor gore warning in this chapter. 😅)

Christine sat up in her bed feeling lonely. It was early in the morning.

"Erik?" She mewed.

She silently got up and walked into the hallway. She made her way to Erik's bedroom, knowing that he would be there. His door was open, which was unusual. She stepped inside, and what she saw made her eyes instantly tear up and her heart shatter into a million pieces.
Raoul was standing over her beloved, sleeping Erik, about to stab him with a large knife.

"Erik!" She yelped.

He immediately awoke and, seeing the knife, jumped out of his bed. He picked Christine up as he ran out the doorway. Erik rushed down the stairs, and Raoul followed. When they reached the ground, Erik told Christine to hide under the tea table while he ran to the area with the 2 thrones. Beside one was a sword hung on the wall. He grabbed the sword and ran towards Raoul. His sword met the large knife with a sharp clang, and the two were soon in an intense sword fight. Christine found it odd that Raoul was able to combat a powerful sword with a knife, which was small in comparison. She also found it odd that he was winning.
Erik was backing up, about to hit a wall. Christine wanted to go help him, but he had told her to stay. She would follow his orders no matter what, because she loved him.
Much to her dismay, Raoul seemed to be in control of the fight. Before she knew what was happening, he had slashed Erik's throat! He tried to hold the skin in place, but the wound was too large, too deep. He immediately sank to the ground. Raoul caught sight of Christine and walked towards her. He smiled wickedly as he pulled her out of her hiding place by her hair. She yelped as she was yanked to where Erik lay.

Raoul was forcing her to watch him die.

Tears pricked at her eyes and streamed down her cheeks as her angel repeatedly tried to get back up... Failing every time. Blood oozed out of his wound and covered the floor around him. Christine tried to get to Erik to comfort him, but she couldn't move. Raoul had wrapped his arms around her torso, preventing her escape. She tried to look away. She tried to close her eyes. Both actions proved to be futile. Raoul held her head in place, making sure she got an eyeful of the gory scene. Whenever she would close her eyes, Erik would cry out in pain, causing her eyes to snap right back to him. More and more blood oozed out of his neck. The red substance covered a large area of the ground beneath him. His strength was diminishing.

"This can't be happening..." Thought Christine as tears rolled down her face.

But it was. Soon, Erik could barely move.

Moments passed...

Erik was still.

Finally, Raoul let go of Christine. She fell on the floor with a huge sob. She dragged herself over to Erik's lifeless body.

"M-My angel... I love you... S-so much..." She choked.

She kissed his cheek, held his hand, and rested her head on his chest as she sobbed once more.
But Raoul was still there. Christine was soon pulled up by her hair once again. She was harshly turned to face Raoul, who slapped her across the face. He snarled the 3 words Christine had grown to hate the most:

"Worthless barren girl."

She made no effort to fight back, she was completely broken.

Her heart was shattered.

Her angel was gone.

Raoul had won.

He readied his fist for a punch, aiming at her stomach. His hand was about to strike...

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