Chapter 50

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Christine poked at her food with her fork before letting a deep, heavy sigh escape her lips. She wanted to talk to Erik, but she knew he needed some time to himself. And so, she sat in her chair while her mind busied itself creating ways to incorporate Christianity into their next conversation. She desperately wanted and needed to convert her lover.

"The reason he isn't Christian is because he believes he has no chance at going to Heaven... It might also be due to his deformity... He probably wonders why God would give him the life he's had..." She mused, undoubtedly deep in thought.

"I just need to convince him that he can go to Heaven... And explain to him the possible reasons for his unique and lovable appearance."

She smiled at the thought of eternal life with Erik at her side every moment.

After eating and getting ready for bed, she slipped beneath her blankets and closed her eyes before dozing off.

The next morning, as Christine cooked breakfast, she was approached by Erik. A shy expression was displayed upon his face.

"I apologize for leaving you so abruptly last night." He mumbled.

"It's alright... What conclusion did you come to?" She asked in response.

He hesitated, causing tension to gradually accumulate.

"You can tell me anything, Erik."

There was another minute of silence.

"...I need to learn more about this religion before I have a permanent opinion on it."

Christine's eyes widened with surprise at Erik's interest in Christianity. A small smile graced her lips before she replied with,
"Yes, you do. I'll tell you everything I know about it."

"Alright, but... Not all at once, please."

"That's fine."

"Alright, then."


Still grinning, Christine turned to face Erik.

"Thank you." She said sincerely.

An inquisitive look appeared on her lover's face.


"Giving my Religion a chance."

She embraced him tightly, causing him to smile from ear-to-ear.

"Once I finish cooking, we'll have our first discussion. Is that alright with you?" She asked after pulling away from him.

"Will I make it to work on time?"

"Yes, you will."


Erik smiled with contentment as Christine rolled her eyes and returned to preparing the food.

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