Chapter 56

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More time passed. Christine kept singing at the theater and learning new songs, and she absolutely loved her job. Erik kept doing magic shows, and he enjoyed his occupation as well. One day, however, things changed... For the better. The two were in Erik's dressing room inside of the theater and had begun a voice lesson. Erik sat at the piano bench and stared at Christine, who stood at the black instrument's side and had just finished the song she was going to present that night.

"It still needs a small bit of work, I think. Please make sure you pay attention to the whole notes on page 4... They seem to be... transformed into half notes. You're doing well, though. Good job."

"Thanks. Can we sing it again?"

"Of course... Christine?"

"Yes, Erik?"

"Do you mind if I sing along with you this time...?"

"Oh, not at all! I'd love that!"

"Very well, then."

The song sounded purely amazing when Erik and Christine sang it together, which is why the door was (once again) thrown open in the middle of the second chorus. Erik was a bit disappointed, because he was really enjoying himself as the music and their voices collided perfectly.

"Erik, is that you singing?!" Questioned a loud, instantly-recognizable voice.

The two musicians looked towards the doorway, where a shocked Gaston stood.

"It seems God has given you both excellent voices!" He said with a bright smile.

"Thank you." The couple replied simultaneously.

Gaston paused for a moment, then faced Erik.

"Waaaaait a second... You, sir, didn't object when I mentioned God giving you a gift."

He turned to look at Erik's lover.

"He's a Christian now, Monsieur Leroux." chirped Christine happily.


"Really, sir." Erik said with a confident grin.

"That's great news! .....Do you two have a Church you're going to?"

"No, actually. Is there one around here?" Inquired the soprano.

"There is. It's only a few miles east of this theater."

Christine gave Erik her puppy-dog expression.

"Erik, would you like to visit it this Sunday...?" She asked him.

"Definitely." He responded, not agreeing because of the look on her face, but because he actually wanted to go to Church!

"Yay!" She cheered before kissing his left cheek, which caused Gaston to "awww".

"I came because I heard how well the two of you sound singing together....." Erik's boss said after a few seconds had passed.

"...And I was wondering if... perhaps... you, Erik, would like to join Christine onstage sometime...?"

"Would tonight be okay with both of you?" Erik questioned.

"It's fine with me. How about you, Monsieur Leroux?"

"Tonight would be perfect!"

And so, that evening, Erik joined Christine onstage after his magic act. The applause from the audience was twice as much as it was when Christine sang without him. Erik enjoyed singing with his lover even more than he did performing magic tricks without her. He knew exactly what he wanted to do from that point on, which is why, after conversing with Christine about it, he approached Gaston backstage with an idea.

"Hello, Erik!"

"Um... Hello, sir."

"You did a fine job out there!"

"Thank you. I was wondering if... Uh... Um..."


"...if I might be able to sing with Christine instead of performing a magic show.....?"

Gaston thought about it for a few moments and then answered,
"Well... Which days would you work?"

"Every other day... Except Sundays."

"A 1-hour-long concert... 3 times a week... both of you singing... What about in the mornings? Would you work then as well?"

Erik nodded before waiting apprehensively for his boss' conclusion.

"You've got yourself a deal."

Erik's expression became one of astonishment.

"Are you serious, sir?"

"Of course I am!"

"Th-Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome! Now, go tell Christine!"

"Yes, sir!"

Christine was delighted with the news, and the couple went out for dinner at the restaurant they had visited the night of her debut.

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