Chapter 3

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Christine obediently followed Erik to her room.

"Here it is. My room is right across the hall. There is another bedroom with a wardrobe for you, but I thought this one would suit you better. I shall put your clothes on your bed later." Said Erik as he pushed the door open.

Her room had many windows, and a white canopy bed. It had a regal black vanity, and candles placed all around. It was beautiful, no doubt. Christine loved it.

"Oh, thank you so much, Angel! ...Or would you like me to call you 'Erik'?"

"How do you know my name?" Asked Erik.

"The sign on the door..."

"I see. That makes sense. Yes, 'Erik' would do just fine... I have to go to work now. You stay here, alright?"


Erik turned to leave.

While he was gone, Christine put away all her belongings. She took a nap for a few hours, and when she awoke, she began to clean the castle with some supplies she had brought. She came across Erik's room, and debated whether to go in or not. She decided just to peek. She tiptoed in and looked around. A two- person bed. Two closets. Two bedside tables. She decided Erik was lonely... But she was still afraid of him. Although... he had given her a place to live. And he had given her the voice that had carried her to fame. Erik's room also held many instruments. In the corner was a beautiful organ. Music sheets were scattered all around.

"He must really love his music..." Thought Christine.

Suddenly, she heard the big metal doors open.

"Oh! Erik must be home!"

She rushed to the main staircase and looked over the railing.

"Hello, Erik!"

"Good evening, Christine."

"How was work?"


"I was just cleaning the castle, I hope you don't mind..."

"Did you enter my room?"


Erik's temper shot to the ceiling. He ran over to Christine. He stood in front of her, and suddenly slapped her across the face!

"You will not EVER enter my room again without my permission!!!"

Christine was crying now.

"Yes, Erik... I'm sorry..."

She slowly walked back to her room and laid on her bed. She quietly sobbed into one of her pillows. She felt as if she had just received another beating from Raoul.

"Are all men like this?" She mentally asked herself.

She didn't realize that her sobbing was getting louder. It wasn't very loud, but it was audible from Erik's room, since it was just across the hall, and both of their doors were open. Erik soon appeared at Christine's doorway. He watched her cry and bury her head in her pillow for a few minutes.


She quickly sat up and rubbed her eyes with her wrists.


"I'm sorry for the outburst... I can't control my temper. I really can't..."

"It's... It's okay..."

The red mark on Christine's face was so prominent on her fair skin that Erik could see it from where he stood. He had hit her hard. Really hard. He immediately felt extremely guilty. He knew it was all his fault, and that Christine was probably in a lot of pain. He sat down next to her on her bed, purely out of guilt.

"Your face... It must hurt... I'm sorry..." Said Erik.

"I'm fine.... Raoul's beatings were worse..." Replied Christine, sniffling.

They just sat there for a few minutes, and then Christine dared to lay her head on Erik's shoulder. She wanted comfort of any kind. Erik didn't want to be rude and push her away, since he felt bad about slapping her. He did, however, want to stay within the "acquaintance zone". And so, he let her keep her head on his shoulder. But only for a few minutes. He then stood up and told her that he would cook dinner. He left, and Christine just laid on her bed until Erik called her down to eat.

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