Chapter 6

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Erik was up bright and early the next morning. He came downstairs to prepare breakfast for Christine and himself, when he noticed that she was still asleep on the couch. He decided to attempt to wake her after making breakfast.

~20 minutes later~

Erik stood in front of the couch.

"Christine. Wake up." He said.

She did not move.


Erik poked Christine's shoulder.

Nothing. Erik shook her shoulder lightly. Still nothing.

"Hmmm... She seems to be a heavy sleeper." Erik thought.

A mischievous glint suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl. He then fled outside to fill the bowl with water from the pump outside of the castle. He walked back inside and stood in front of the couch once more.

"Christine! Breakfast is ready!" Said Erik as he sprinkled water on Christine's face.

"Ah! Wha-! Who's there?!" Asked Christine as she snapped awake.

"Breakfast is getting cold, Christine. It's time to wake up." Replied Erik.

"O-oh... Okay. Good morning, Erik."

"Good morning, Christine."

"My head still hurts a bit... Could you please help me up?" Asked Christine as she reached her hand out to Erik.

"I believe that you are fully capable, Miss Daae."

Erik wanted no physical contact with the girl living in his castle.


Christine struggled to stand up, but she eventually did.

"We are only acquaintances, and that is all we will ever be." Erik thought.

"Come now. We must eat breakfast."

~After breakfast~


"Yes, Christine?"

"...Where do you work?"

"I work as a magician at the theater in the nearby town. I'm sure you've noticed it when you look out your window."

"Yes, I have. I, ummm..."


"I would like to come see your place of work sometime..."

"What?! You think my job is unstable?! Unsafe?!?! Unsanitary?!?!?! I'll have you know, I can throw you out in the cold any night I like, you little wench!!! My workplace is not unsafe nor unsanitary, and my job is stable, thank you very much!!!"

Christine was silently crying now.

"Erik, no... I just wanted to see your magic tricks... I'm sure they're amazing..."

Erik's expression softened.

"O-oh... I'm sorry... My temper got the best of me again..."

"It's okay..."

"I could bring you to my workplace today, if you like..." Said Erik.

"I would like that." Said Christine.

Her face was still wet with tears.

"But first, you must get dressed. You're still in the dress from yesterday.... I'll wait here."

A few minutes later, Christine came walking down the main staircase wearing a light pink winter dress.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, let's go."

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