Chapter 51

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"But... I don't deserve to go to Heaven."

"No one does, but because Jesus paid for our sins, we're given eternal life, even though we don't deserve it!"

"So... You're saying that I'm not doomed to hell?"


Christine smiled at her lover, whose mind was heavily processing the life-changing information he had just received.

"But... Why? Why would God send His Son to die for me when I've done nothing in return for Him?" He asked before taking a sip of coffee.

"The Bible tells us that He did so because of His Love for us; I love Him because He loved me first."

Erik raised an eyebrow at the girl sitting across from him.

"It's a different type of love, Erik."

Erik's eyebrow returned to its normal position.

"Any other questions?" She asked him.

"Quite a few... Firstly, you said that God sent His Son to pay for our sins... How did He do this? How did His Son pay for our sins, anyways?"

"Well, after being brought into the world by a virgin, living a completely sinless life, and Ministering to hundreds of people, He took all of our transgressions upon Himself, and... died an agonizing death on a wooden cross... at a place known as Mount Calvary."

Erik paused, anger suddenly appearing in his eyes.

"So that's it?! Your Savior just... died?!" He questioned, his voice quavering with frustration.

"Erik, wait!!! That's not the end-"

"Not another word from you!"




"I shall be going to work now! Goodbye, Christine!"

He rushed up the staircase in order to grab his regular mask and quickly finish readying himself for work.

Christine grit her teeth and ran her fingers through her hair. Erik's refusal to listen to one of the most important parts (if not the most important part) of The Gospel upset her greatly. After releasing an exasperated sigh, she crossed her arms on top of the table and put her head down.

"He just won't listen..." She said in a voice only slightly louder than a whisper.

A while later, she heard the opening and closing of a castle door and assumed that Erik had left for the day.

"He didn't even kiss me goodbye..." She thought with a disappointed frown.

    Despite her sadness, she picked herself up from her seated position and began cleaning the castle. She dusted the bookcase next to the tea table (it had been pushed back into its place so that the passageway behind it was no longer visible), cleaned any dishes that had been left dirty, and, somehow finding a broom, managed to sweep every room of the entire castle besides Erik's.

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