Chapter 26

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Musical instruments everywhere!

A third piano (When you count the one in Erik's room and the one downstairs), an organ, a full sized cello and its seat, and a xylophone occupied the corners of the room. Three of the instruments were covered in music sheets, while the piano had the sheet music for "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven resting atop its music desk. On the right wall hung numerous types of woodwind instruments. Christine had never seen so many different colors and styles of violins as she turned her head to look at the left wall. In front of her hung many different guitars, each with their own sound, presumably. The only thing the curly- haired girl could do was gape as she quietly stepped into the glorious space. She remembered why she was here, and stepped over to the organ. On its music desk were 2 sheets of handwritten music. The floor around it was covered in crumpled- up manuscript paper. Christine picked up one of the papers and unraveled it.

"I suppose someone was unhappy with their work..." She mused as she gazed at the wrinkled scrap.

On the sheet were 4 measures of a song. The last part of measure 4 was cut off, meaning that the author decided to change the notes. Christine placed the ball of paper in a small trashcan she had brought with her. She repeated the process until the floor was spotless. The room was fairly clean, it didn't need dusting. Taking a quick look at the organ's sheet music, she discovered that it was a very intricate piece. She decided to ask Erik to play it for her sometime. She softly closed the door behind her once she exited the room. She paced through the hallway and came across Erik's room. The door was closed, and Christine's curiosity was extremely persistent that day.

"I shouldn't go in there... Erik told me not to..." Christine thought to herself.

"Why doesn't he want you to enter his room? What could be so bad about it? What kind of secret is he hiding?" Inquired her curiosity.

She pursed her lips and tried to forget about Erik's bedroom, but it wouldn't leave her mind. She really wanted to know what he was hiding. And so, with the gentlest touch she could muster, Christine turned the doorknob. Before she knew what she was doing, she opened the door and stepped into the bedroom. It was exactly the same as last time, although she now knew the danger of being in this location. Her eyes came to rest on Erik's bed.
She inhaled sharply as she noticed a book with a brown leather cover resting on the sheets. She ran over to it and gingerly picked it up. Turning to the first page, her eyes devoured the words written in Erik's perfect handwriting.

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