Chapter 38

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When they arrived at the town plaza, Erik hopped off of Ayesha and held his arms out to Christine to catch her. She willingly scooted off of the saddle and into his arms. He held her bridal style as he walked towards the theater.

"Erik, you can put me down... I have legs, you know." Christine said with a small smile.

"But I don't want to put you down..." He responded.

"Erik. Put me down." She playfully commanded.


"You'd better let me go right now, or I'll..."

"Or you'll what?" Erik asked with a smirk.

"I'll... I'll... Distract you." Christine said deviously.

"Distract me? Could you please elaborate on that, mon ange?" Erik asked.


A mischievous grin spread across her face. Without any type of warning, she began kissing his neck, which caused him to stop in his tracks. She trailed up to his mouth and kissed him deeply.

"Y-you win..." Erik mumbled breathlessly as he set Christine on the ground.

She flashed a bright smile up at him as she took his arm and continued walking.

As they came upon the theater, Erik went ahead of Christine to hold the door for her. Like last time, he led her to the "backyard" of the theater. People were eating, as usual.

"Erik!" Called Nadir from a table not too far away.

The magician's eyes immediately found the man with the dark clothes and unique accent. He walked over to Nadir's table, and Christine followed.

"Good morning, Persian." Erik said casually as he waved to both the man and his wife.

"Hello, Monsieur Erik. How are you this fine day?"

"I'm well, thank you for asking."

"How is your 'Angel'?" Inquired Nadir, using air quotations and glancing at Christine.

The soprano's expression changed from neutral to slightly confused, and a smile barely graced her lips.

"She's doing well." Erik said as he smirked and looked at Christine out of the corner of his eye.

"You wouldn't happen to be talking about me, would you?" Christine asked as she stepped forward.

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