Chapter 15

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"My final trick... Will include a wild animal. Prepare to be amazed!" Said Erik.

"Nadir, the cage, please!"

A giant cage on wheels was brought to center stage by Nadir.

"Thank you."

Nadir walked offstage and Erik dug through one of his cape pockets, eventually removing a large, velvety, purple sheet of fabric.

"You see before you a cage, ladies and gentlemen... But soon, you will also see something else."

Erik draped the sheet over the cage and spun it around twice. When he removed the fabric, a large tiger lay inside of the cage! It stood up and roared several times, and the audience exploded with applause. After the noise died down, Erik once again draped the purple curtain over the cage and spun it around. When the sheet was removed, the tiger was gone. Erik took a bow. The audience applauded politely, knowing that the show was over.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen! Goodnight!" Said Erik as he rushed offstage, while Nadir came to roll the cage away.

Christine stayed in her seat as everyone else exited the auditorium, aware that it was proper for Erik to come retrieve her, although she felt extremely sad and a bit betrayed. She was looking towards the ground as a tear rolled off of her face. A few seconds later, she looked up and saw Erik standing directly in front of her with his hands behind his back. He immediately noticed her tear stain and kneeled down to her level.

"Whatever is wrong, Christine?"

"N-nothing. I'm fine..."

"No, you're not... It's not difficult to see that. Please tell me what's bothering you."

Christine breathed a heavy sigh and stood up before explaining the reason behind her sadness.

"I just... Felt special for a moment, t-that's all... With the b-black scarf, and the red rose... I... I thought it was something s-special, but then I realized that it's a trick you do every night..."

Tears were now flowing freely from Christine's eyes, and she was unable to hide them. Erik desperately wanted to interrupt, but he knew how rude that would be.

"A trick used on every other girl... It's nothing special... I'm guessing you... Call e-every other girl 'your angel' and you place your hands on their h-hips, don't you... And you c-catch them in your arms... A-and kiss their hand... A-and give them a rose..." Christine stuttered while tears of betrayal and jealousy rolled down her cheeks. She was then silent, expecting an answer from Erik.

"Christine, no... Look, I need you to listen, and listen carefully. Please." Erik begged.

"O-okay..." Replied Christine.

"I have never performed the black scarf trick before... Ever. I decided to prepare it while you were asleep. I... wanted to use it as an excuse to hold you. As for the rose, I usually choose a young girl, a child. I bring her up to the stage and make a daisy or daffodil appear out of the wand... Never a rose... I never give her a kiss on the hand, either." Erik explained, using the most gentle voice he could muster.

Christine just stared at him with an apologetic look on her face. Neither one moved, they just kept looking into each other's eyes.

Suddenly, Christine embraced Erik and buried her head in his chest, sobbing once more. Erik stroked her hair as the uncontrollable sobs shook her delicate figure.

"There, there, Christine..."

"Erik, I'm s-so sorry..."

"It's alright, don't worry."

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