Chapter 12

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Erik and Christine were wrapped in each other's embrace, when the door to Erik's dressing room was thrown open.

"Erik? It's show time!!!" Said a deep voice.

The couple was frozen in shock.

"...Erik? Where are you? Are you in your room?"

Both Christine and Erik's heads snapped to the doorway of the bedroom, where Gaston stood with a look of complete astonishment on his face. His jaw was practically hitting the floor. He tried to say something, but he was completely speechless.

Erik and Christine separated instantly.

"Monsieur! Please don't be angry!!! Please, Monsieur!!! Please..." Erik begged.

There was complete silence for a few seconds, until Gaston finally spoke.

"I ship it."

Now it was the couple's turn to gape.

"You did a fine job, Monsieur Destler! A very fine job indeed! Congratulations!"

"T-thank you, Monsieur..." Erik stammered as he blushed profusely.

"You two make a very cute couple." Gaston said, smiling.

"Thank you... You said it was show time, shall I leave now to perform?"

"Yes, I'll escort the lady to her seat. You just go to your usual place, and I'll announce you in a moment."

"Alright, thank you, Monsieur Leroux."

"No problem."

Erik grabbed his magic supplies and ran out the door, but not before leaving a gentle kiss on Christine's hand.

"Come, I'll escort you to your seat. I'll make sure it's front row." Gaston said with a wink.

Christine smiled.

"Thank you, Monsieur."

He escorted her through a hallway leading to the auditorium. The minute they entered the theater, Christine looked around and saw beautiful golden sculptures everywhere and seats with extremely fine red velvet. The stage had a large red curtain and a lining of small candlelights, signaling that the show was about to start.

"Here you are. Enjoy the show, Miss Daae!" Said Gaston as he gestured to a seat directly in the middle of the front row.

"Oh, thank you Monsieur!" Said Christine politely.

"No problem." Replied Gaston as he walked away to announce Erik.

A few minutes later, both a spotlight and Gaston appeared on the right side of the stage. The spotlight followed the man until they were both center stage.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!" Gaston said in his booming voice.

"I welcome you to tonight's show, where our favorite magician, Monsieur Destler, will be performing!"

The audience applauded, excited for what was about to come.

"Alright, alright, settle down... I now present to you... the infamous magician... Erik Destler!"

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