Chapter 24

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(Hi guys! This chapter has some really cute fluff, just letting you know. ^-^ Two words: Passionate kissing. I hope you like this chapter!)

"Breakfast was delicious. Thank you, Christine." Said Erik as he stood up with his empty dish.

"It was no trouble. I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's nice to finally have someone to eat with." Christine replied, faking a smile that soon faltered.

Erik could tell she was thinking about something painful.

"...What do you mean, 'It's nice to finally have someone to eat with'?" He inquired.

Erik thought about what she could mean, and then it hit him. As Christine was carrying her plate to the dishwashing basin, Erik's voice took on a tone of pure rage.

"Don't tell me..." He growled.

Christine sighed.

"Raoul never let me eat with him... He would always tell me I wasn't worthy of it. He and his parents would sit together at the dining room table, while I was forced to sit alone at a small table in the corner of the room..." She said somberly as she turned to face Erik.

Christine looked as if she were about to cry. Erik immediately ran over to the sink, practically threw his dish in the basin, and picked her up bridal style in a matter of 3 seconds. He rushed her over to the couch and set her down. He kneeled down in front of her and, without letting a single second pass, he forcefully crashed his lips to hers. She tried to separate from him to get a breath of air, but he wouldn't let her. He just kept kissing her.

He wouldn't stop.

He didn't stop.

He loved her too much.

Christine soon gave in and returned the kiss. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Erik and Christine broke their lip lock.

Both of them were gasping for air like fish out of water when they separated. Christine stared at Erik with wide eyes as he just smirked at her.

"You're amazing." He whispered huskily.

Color rose to Christine's cheeks as her mouth hung wide open. She was completely blown away by what had just happened. Her breathing was fast and unsteady. Erik noticed her gaping jaw, and he kissed her again, this time with his mouth open. Christine squealed with delight, and willingly kissed back. As their lips moved in unison, she felt like her cheeks were on fire. She poured herself into that kiss. This time when they separated, Christine was practically hyperventilating.

(I sincerely hope that this short, fluffy chapter was to your liking! I would like to ask you all a question: Which chapter has been your favorite so far? Please leave your answer in the comments! Thank you for reading!!!

P.S. +750 views?!?!?!? THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!)

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