Chapter 8

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"There it is, my workplace." Said Erik, pointing to a big, majestic theater in the distance.

"It's beautiful!" Replied Christine.

"My shift starts in just a few minutes. Let's walk to the theater, I'll show you exactly what I do."


Erik and Christine began walking to the theater side by side, 2 feet apart. Slowly, Christine inched towards Erik. When he was within her reach, she gently grabbed his arm, causing him to give her a strange look.

Erik really didn't know what to do. He wanted to show her kindness, but he still didn't want to pursue any kind of relationship with her, just because he was afraid of getting his heart shattered again. He bent his arm so she could hold onto it, only because he was trying to be kind. (Don't worry, Erik's feelings aren't gonna be that way for long. :D) He glanced over at Christine and saw that she was smiling ear-to-ear.

"...Does this make you... Happy?" He asked Christine quietly.

"Oh, yes! ...Raoul never let me hold onto his arm... He said I didn't deserve it..." Responded Christine, looking downwards to hide her face.

Erik pitied her. He knew that she truly craved affection, and she never got any from Raoul, since he had to be a jerk and deny her because of a single flaw, one that Erik was perfectly fine with. However, he was still afraid of heartbreak. He didn't know what to do at this point. He tried to put away his true emotions as he completed his next action, so that he would avoid falling in love with her again.

"But... You do deserve it..." Responded Erik, only trying to show kindness, but regretting each syllable.

He felt himself actually meaning what he said, to his dismay. No matter how hard he tried, Erik could not avoid falling in love with Christine.

"That's sweet of you to say..." Said Christine with a small grin.

"Yes, well..."

They continued walking. Soon, they arrived at the theater.

Erik opened the door for Christine and followed after her when she entered.

"This way."

Erik led her through the theater, passing a large cast in the middle of a play rehearsal. They reached a door which led to a huge backyard.

This wasn't just any backyard, however. Tables and chairs were scattered all around, and people were dining on them. Breakfast everywhere. French toast, coffee, pancakes, bagels, and bread littered the tables.

A man with dark hair, dark eyes, a black vest, and a foreign accent turned to look at Erik and announced: "The magician has arrived! Good morning, Monsieur Erik!"

"Good morning to you as well, Monsieur Nadir." Replied Erik, waving to both the man and his wife.

Christine looked a bit confused.

"Yes, Christine, I have acquired quite a fan club here doing magic tricks. You see, the customers eat, and I provide them with entertainment." Explained Erik.

Christine nodded.

"Nadir, I will return in just a few moments, as soon as I get my supplies together."

"Alright! I simply cannot wait to see the newest tricks!"

Erik gently grabbed Christine's wrist and led her past the tables, to a small gazebo far away from the area. A tall man with a burly black mustache and beard leaned against the wall of the gazebo, obviously waiting for something. Or someone.

"Good morning, Monsieur Leroux."

The tall man shot Erik a menacing glance.

"Erik, you're 20 seconds late to work...!"He proclaimed, sounding extremely angry.

Erik tensed up.

The tall man's harsh facial expression faded instantly.

"Relax, Erik! I'm only joking!"

He said with a much calmer tone.

"Oh, I see... You have a very nice sense of humor, Monsieur Leroux..."

"Indeed I do, indeed I do." Responded the man with a smirk as he twirled the tip of his mustache with his right hand.

"And who is this little lady?" He asked, glancing at the girl accompanying Erik.

"This is my aquaintance, Christine. She had nowhere to go, so I took her in..."

"Aw, well that's very kind of you, Erik. I never would have guessed that you would open up your home to anyone!"

The man turned to Christine.

"How rude of me, not introducing myself! I apologize. My name is Gaston Leroux. I am Erik's boss." He said with a grin as he shook Christine's hand.

"It's very nice to meet you." Christine replied.

"Well, Erik, you should go start your shift! Those people won't perform magic tricks for themselves, you know!" Said Gaston with a hearty chuckle.

"Right, sir. Just clocking in."

Erik started to walk away, and Christine followed. Before they got too far away, Gaston called out to them.

"Erik? One more thing!"


"Get the lady a table and chair, if she would like. Entertain her! Make her feel welcome!" Gaston said proudly.

"R-right, sir..."

Erik and Christine continued walking back to the tables. Christine silently chuckled to herself. She had never seen anyone have so much power over Erik. He had always been the dominant one in any conversation. Christine thought his "less dominant" side was kind of... Cute.

She snapped out of her thoughts as soon as she heard Erik talking to her.

"This is my supply closet." He said, opening a door attached to the back of the theater.

He gathered some boxes, cards, a few little red spheres, and a coin. Christine hadn't known before, but Erik's cape had many pockets on the inside. Apparently, that was where he stored his supplies. He also put on a black top hat and picked up a magic wand, which was a black rod with white tips.

Erik walked to an empty table set for two, and motioned for Christine to sit down.

"Would you like some coffee, Miss Daae?" Asked Erik.

"Oh, no thank you, Erik."Christine replied, smiling sweetly.

"Then can I interest you in some... Magic?" Erik inquired with a mysterious smirk.

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