Chapter 9

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"Ooh! I'd love to see your tricks!" Responded Christine, clapping.

"I'm glad... See my hands, Christine?" Erik held his hands flat in front of her face and she nodded.

"Empty, correct?" He asked.

"Correct." Replied Christine.

Erik made a fist with his right hand and blew on it. When he opened it, there was a coin sitting on his palm.

"Wow! How did you do that?" Asked Christine enthusiastically.

"A magician never reveals his secrets..." Replied Erik as he slipped the coin into his pocket.

"Oh... I see..."



"I think you have something behind your ear..."

Erik reached behind her ear, and the coin was once again in his hand.

"You're very talented, Monsieur." Christine said with a tone of admiration.

"Thank you, Mademoiselle. Could you please hold out your hand?"


Erik placed a small red foam ball in her hand and instructed her to make a fist.

"Christine, what is your favorite color?"


"Open your hand."

She did as she was told, and the foam ball in her hand was now purple. She squealed with delight.

"That's not all... Close your fist again."

"Now open it."

In Christine's palm were 2 purple foam spheres.

"Wow, Erik! That's amazing!"

She said as she handed them back to him.

"Thank you. And now, I entertain the rest of the customers."

Erik walked to Nadir's table.

"Good morning, Monsieur." Said Erik, bowing slightly.

"Hello, Monsieur Erik! What's new?" Responded Nadir.

"Nothing much... I have a few new tricks."

"That's nice... I see you have a lady now! Congratulations!"

"What?! Oh no, Nadir, you've got the wrong idea! That woman is nothing more than my acquaintance!!!"

"Well... If you say so, Monsieur... Although, I do believe that the two of you would make quite a cute couple!"

Erik's face turned a light shade of crimson and a faint flash of anger crossed his eyes.

"E-eh.... That will not be happening, Nadir."

"Okay, whatever you say, Erik."

Nadir knew not to argue with Erik. He had seen what his temper could do, and like everyone else, he was afraid of it.

"Daroga, watch carefully." Said Erik as he removed a deck of cards from a pocket in his cape.

He took half of the deck in one hand and spread out the cards, so that each one was visible.

"Just a normal deck of cards, correct, Nadir?"


"Think again."

Erik slipped all the cards together, then fanned them out again. This time, every card was red. Nadir gasped as his wife clapped politely.

"Very nice, Erik! What other feats can you perform?"

"Well... I can do this!" Said Erik as he repeated his last action, this time turning every card to black.

"And this!"

Erik turned every card into a joker, earning a double- take from a man sitting a few tables away.

"And... This!"

In Erik's hand were 14 cards, each with a single black letter, punctuation mark, or space on them. The cards spelled out the phrase:

"Hello, Daroga."

"That is truly astonishing! Phabulous job, Erik!" Nadir said as he stood up and applauded Erik, who bowed and rushed to another table.

Christine watched Erik carefully as he performed magic tricks for the customers. She really didn't know where she stood with him. He would tell her he hated her, then he would show her affection? It just didn't seem right. She desperately wanted to find out what Erik really thought of her, but she didn't know how.

After a while, Erik approached Christine once more.

"Come, Christine. My shift is over, now I must go to my dressing room to prepare for tonight's show."

"...Tonight's show?" Asked Christine as she stood up and began walking beside Erik.

"Yes. I entertain the customers by day, and perform actual magic shows by night. Intriguing lifestyle, don't you think?" Questioned Erik as he approached the theater door with Christine.

"I agree... You must really enjoy your job..." She replied.

"Why do you say that?" Erik asked as he held the door open for her.

"Because... I saw the energy you put into pleasing the customers. You gave all your effort. You just... You looked excited." She said with a small smile.

"Well, I do love this job. Finally, people appreciate the fact that I can do magic."

"I appreciate the fact that you can do magic, Erik!" Chirped Christine brightly.

"Yes, yes. I know..."

He couldn't help but smile at the way Christine's voice got higher when she was excited about something.

Erik led her to a door with the name "Erik Destler" on it. He let her in first, then closed the door behind himself.

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