Chapter 17

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"So... Do you trust me?" Christine asked, winking at Erik.

"Christine... Trust takes time. Remember, the world has not been kind to me." Responded Erik.

"I know... We'll take small steps, alright?" Said Christine softly as she grabbed Erik's arm.


They walked to Ayesha, and Erik lifted Christine onto her saddle. He hopped on right behind her and slid his arms around her sides to hold the reigns. She could feel his chest forcefully pressing against her back, and she smiled mischievously. She leaned her head back to rest it on Erik's shoulder and tilted it to the side, so that her lips faced his neck. She stayed still for a few moments, hoping that Erik knew what she was about to do. She barely skimmed his neck with her lips, sending a shiver down his spine. She pressed her lips to his neck gently, and his face turned a deep shade of crimson. He smiled from ear to ear.

"Now, now, Christine... Could you please wait until we get home? I would like to remain fully in control of this horse... And I honestly cannot do that when you kiss my neck, angel... It's too distracting."

"Distracting...?" Asked Christine in a pleading whisper, her head not moving a centimeter.

"C-Christine..." Erik's blush worsened, as he was getting extremely flustered.

"Alright... I'm sorry..." Said Christine as she sat up straight, her back still firmly pressed against Erik's chest.

"Thank you... I'm still expecting those kisses when we arrive at home, my dear..." Erik said with a desirous tone.

"Of course." Replied Christine with a faint blush.

They soon arrived at the castle, and Erik got off of Ayesha's saddle to help Christine down. She jumped into his arms, and he carried her into the castle bridal style. He set her down on the couch near the tea table.

"I'll be back in just a minute, my dear..." Erik said softly.


Erik hurried outside, making sure to close the door behind himself, and led Ayesha to her stable.

"Hey, girl... Guess what?" He asked as they neared the small wooden building.

She whined in reply.

"You remember that lady with the curly brown hair, perfect brown eyes, and flawless skin? Well... She loves me! That's right, someone actually loves me! Even better, she has already seen behind the mask! She loves me, Ayesha! She loves me!" Erik laughed as Ayesha neighed and nodded her head.

"Sure, she's barren... But that doesn't matter to me! I love her, and she loves me... That's all that matters. Although... I would absolutely fall apart if she left... I'm not really sure what to do, Ayesha. Should I pursue a relationship with her? Or should I stay away completely? I don't want to risk my heart being broken again... What do you think?" Asked Erik as he removed Ayesha's saddle and other equipment.

She gave a soft whine.

"...You're right. Thank you for the help, girl." He said as he locked her in her pen.

Erik walked back to the castle entrance and stood before the doors. He took a deep breath.

"Alright... Here goes nothing." He said to himself.

Erik entered the castle and walked to where Christine was laying. He noticed that she had changed clothes, so he reasoned that he'd been gone for a while. She was now wearing a thin nightdress, which caused him to blush profusely.

"Christine..." Erik said, a hint of weakness in his voice.

"Yes, Erik?"

(Ooh, what's Erik gonna do??? Is he gonna reject Christine??? Is he gonna accept her??? Read on to find out!!! :3)

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