Chapter 10

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"This, Christine, is where I practice my magic tricks."

Christine looked around the medium- sized dressing room and saw dark red wallpaper, numerous chests, a black vanity, a black couch, and a black piano. She noticed a huge black stain on one of the walls and a fire extinguisher near it.

"What happened over there?" She asked, pointing to the giant mark.

"Oh, ummmm..." Erik stammered.

"You see... Well... I used to practice magic tricks with fire in this room... It didn't end well. I now have a separate room for pyrotechnic tricks."

"I see."

"Please, sit down. Feel free to take a nap if you become bored." Said Erik politely as he motioned to the couch.

"Alright. Thank you." Responded Christine, smiling.

"I will now be going over the magic tricks I am to perform at tonight's show. You may watch, or you may turn away, if you don't want to spoil it for yourself." Said Erik with a cheerful expression.

Christine watched some tricks, and covered her eyes for others. That way, she still had a few tricks to look forward to at the show. After a while, she decided to take a nap, so that the rest of Erik's magic tricks would remain secret to her. Erik soon finished practicing, and noticed Christine sleeping. Usually at this time, he would head into town and go to the library or grocery store, but he knew it would be improper to just leave Christine. He also didn't want to be rude and wake her up.

Without realizing what he was doing, he bent down to her level and studied her for a few seconds.

"She looks so... Serene." Erik murmured to himself.

Without thinking, he started stroking her hair. After a few moments, he brought his face closer to hers. He was about to plant a kiss on her cheek, but then he snapped back into reality!

"What on earth am I doing?!" He asked himself as he stood up quickly.

Erik sighed as he approached a door near the couch. He opened it and walked into a bedroom.

"I might as well sleep, since I have nothing better to do...I'll have to keep my wig and mask on, just in case Christine's curiosity gets the best of her and she comes looking for me." Erik thought as he buried himself in the covers of his bed.

Usually, he would take his mask and wig off before sleeping, but he couldn't risk Christine seeing his face once more. It would hurt both of them too much. Unfortunately, there was always a risk of Erik's facial scars coming open if he struggled in his sleep... He would have to be careful.

He was soon asleep, and everything was quiet. Ironically, Christine was soon awake.

"Erik?" She mewed quietly.

Seeing that he wasn't near, she stood up and began looking for him. She found the open door, and entered the room.

"Oh... He's sleeping... If I were to wake him up, he would surely loose his temper..." She thought as she slowly came closer to the bed.

"This bed is only meant for one, unlike his bed at home... Now I see why he stays here all day long... He doesn't want to be lonely..."

Christine knew it was dangerous, but she sat down on the side of Erik's bed and gazed at the man under the covers. She giggled as she realized that unlike Raoul, Erik didn't snore. She sighed quietly.

"Oh, Erik... I really don't know where I stand with you... You act as if you hate me, but then you show me affection..."

Christine's voice trailed off as she started tracing her fingers along the collar of his suit.

"I know you're very lonely... I know you just want someone to accept you and love you for, well, you! I'm here, Erik. I won't leave you again... I just wish you loved me, because..."

Christine barely ran her fingers along Erik's jawline.

"Because... I love you." She whispered as she placed a soft kiss on Erik's left cheek, causing him to wake up suddenly!

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