Chapter 37

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When she was finished stroking Ayesha's mane, the horse turned to her and nuzzled her hood-covered head with her snout, which made her giggle.

"She likes you." Said Erik.

"Yes, she does! She's just as affectionate as you said."

"Indeed... Can you guess who tried her best to comfort me when you left?"

"...Are you trying to make me feel guilty?" Inquired Christine.

"Maybe." Responded Erik with a playful smirk.

Christine gave him an apologetic stare.

"That's right, Ayesha was there for me when no one else was!" He began.

"Erik, I'm sorry..."

"She never ran away from me, or left me for someone with a higher social status and a more attractive appearance..." He teased.

"Erik, I'm sorry!"

"She was never frightened by my temper, because she never made me angry..."

"Erik, I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!!!" Christine whimpered.

"Then what are you going to do about it?"

"W-what am I going to do about it...?"

Erik nodded in response, the smirk still lingering on his lips.


Christine meekly stepped towards him and grabbed his gloved hands. Without saying a word, she planted a delicate kiss to his lips.

"Oh, my angel... I'm so glad you returned to me..." Erik whispered as he smiled warmly at Christine.

"I'm so glad you love me..." She responded.

Erik led Ayesha out of her pen and tied her to a post so he could apply her saddle, bridle, and other equipment, which he did quickly and efficiently. Once the horse and its riders were outside, Erik helped Christine onto the saddle and was soon seated behind her. Moments later, they were on their way to the theater.

(Hi, everyone! Thank you so much for reading! I would really appreciate if you could check out my newest one-shot, "All I Want for Christmas". You guys are the best! I hope you liked this short/fluffy chapter!")

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