Chapter 31

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Christine awoke with an ear- piercing screech. Her face was a ghostly white, and her breathing was unsteady.

"It... It was only a dream." She murmured to herself.

A dream? No. It had been a nightmare. Nightmares leave you feeling terrified.
Christine got out of her bed, her whole body shaking with fear. She ran to the hallway, where she found an unmasked Erik rushing towards her. The two met up in the middle. Erik placed his hands on Christine's shoulders.

"I heard you scream. What happened?!" He asked, thoroughly concerned.

"I had a nightmare..." Christine responded, her voice quavering with terror.

Erik knew the pain of nightmares all too well. He scooped Christine up in his arms and carried her to his bedroom. He set her down once they had passed the doorway. Erik sat on his bed and motioned for Christine to sit next to him. She willingly complied and grabbed his arm once she was seated.

"Tell me, my dear, what was your nightmare about?"

"It was horrible, angel... Raoul came back. He found us both. The two of you got into a sword fight, and... And... He won. H-he... Slashed your neck and forced me to watch you die... O-Once you were... Gone, he... beat me."

Christine began to sob. Erik gently grabbed her hand and stood up. The two faced each other, Christine trying to control her sobs... And failing. Erik pulled her into a hug, and she buried her head into his chest. Neither of them minded the fact that his nightshirt was getting soaked with tears. Christine eventually calmed down, and the couple stayed in each other's embrace for a while.

"I know what it's like to have nightmares... I get them all the time." Erik whispered in Christine's ear.

"Oh... You do?" She mewed in reply.

"Yes, I have nightmares about those horrible gypsies all the time. My master would constantly beat me, every single day. It's unbelievable how many scars I have..."

There was a long silence.



"I want to see your scars."

"Christine... Trust me, you do not want to see my scars. They're hideous."

"Let me see them, Erik."

He sighed heavily.
"Very well then."

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