Chapter 28

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Christine spun around and faced Erik, who had a furious expression displayed across his face. Upon seeing the fire in his eyes, she let out a short shriek, knowing that her deed would not go unpunished.

"You're in my room again." He growled.

"You're home early..." Christine quietly stated.

"I came home early so I could give you another voice lesson, although that is now the last thing on my mind!!! How could you?!" Erik yelled.

Christine immediately set the journal on the bed and tried to run out of the room. Before she had taken her third stride, Erik roughly seized her wrist with his right hand.

"You read my journal!" He spat, the fire in his eyes blazing even more fiercely.

"I-I-I'm so sorry... I couldn't resist! M-My curiosity wouldn't leave me alone!" Christine squeaked as tears began to cloud her vision.

"This WILL NOT go unpunished, my dear... I warned you." Erik hissed as his grip on Christine's wrist began to cut off circulation to her hand.

"Don't you DARE move a single inch." he snapped.

Christine stood as still as a statue while Erik let go of her wrist. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her eyes found his.

"I told you not to come here, yet you did so anyways. If you're going to live under my roof, you must obey my rules!!!"

Erik rose his right hand to slap Christine across the face. She shut her eyes tight, awaiting the impact. Seconds passed. Instead of a hand coming in contact with her cheek... She felt a warm pair of lips press against her own. Her eyes snapped open with shock and her heart rate sped up. After a few seconds, she closed her eyes and returned the kiss. It felt as if all of Erik's anger had been transformed into passion, which was fueling that kiss. After they had separated, Christine looked Erik in the eyes as a smirk played across her lips. The fire in his eyes had died down. She boldly took a step closer to him, and he stepped back, trying to figure out what she was doing. After a few seconds, Erik's back hit a wall and Christine's smirk only grew wider. She slowly inched towards him as he studied her with a curious expression. When she was close enough, she whispered into his ear.

"The only thing I crave is the taste your lips allow..."

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