Chapter 19

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Erik opened the book to an empty page and began writing.

"January 11, 1873,

She loves me. Christine actually loves me... She has seen my face, and she loves me. How is a love like that possible? She wants me to trust that she won't leave me... I will loose the will to live if she does. I leave you with this: I believe I can trust her, she seems to have changed. Let's see how things go. ~Erik"

He sighed contentedly, closed his journal, and drifted into unconsciousness.

The next morning, a familiar pounding aroused Erik from his slumber.

"Made you breakfast, Erik!" Said a high pitched, chirpy voice.

"Please come in." Erik said warmly.

Christine entered the room, noticed that Erik wasn't wearing his mask, and walked over to him with tray in hand. She placed the tray on Erik's lap, leaned in towards him, and planted a quick kiss on his right cheek. It hadn't occurred to Erik that his mask was off until now. He smiled, knowing that his face didn't bother Christine at all.

"How are you this morning?" She asked.

"Great, since you're here." Erik said with a smirk.

Christine smiled sweetly and sat next to Erik on his bed. She rested her head on his shoulder while he ate. He offered her some toast, but she declined, telling him that she had already eaten. When he was finished, Christine took the tray from his lap and said,

"Erik? I have a favor to ask of you..."

"What is it, angel?"

"Well, I haven't sung in quiet a while... Could you please retrain my voice?"

Erik pondered the question for a moment, then responded.

"Alright. I'll do it... But for a price." He declared slyly as he got out of bed.

He was wearing trousers, but no shirt. Christine drooled mentally at the sight of his muscular chest. She set his empty tray on one of his bedside tables.

"Name your price." She said quietly, her tone full of curiosity.

Erik walked up to Christine and whispered,

"All I'm asking for is a kiss..."

A look of mischief spread across Christine's face as she brought her mouth close to his. She barely skimmed her lips against Erik's, causing him to break out in goosebumps all over. He repeatedly tried to obtain an actual kiss from her, but she kept pulling away with a playful look on her face. She was taunting him, and she was loving every moment of it. Erik chuckled nervously, then tried once more to catch Christine in a lip lock. He failed again, but then he knew what to do. Without any type of warning, one of his hands snapped to the back of Christine's head while the other sped to her back. He forcefully pulled her in towards him and pressed his lips to hers, making her giggle.

"Thank you." Erik said breathlessly after they had separated.

"You're welcome!" Christine responded, gasping for air and giggling like a teenaged phangirl.

"So... When would you like lessons to start?" Asked Erik.

"...How about now?!"

"You're in luck, Christine... I don't work on Sundays. ...My boss doesn't allow it." Erik said with a smile.

"Please allow me to get dressed first." He continued. "I'm sure you don't want to see me walking around shirtless all day long."

"Actually, that wouldn't be too bad..." Thought Christine with a smirk.

"Lessons will be at the piano downstairs, near the tea table. I believe you've seen it before." Erik said, smiling.

"Yes, I'll wait for you there!" Christine responded anxiously before leaving Erik's room.

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