Chapter 20

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(Okay, before the next chapter, I just wanted to say... THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR +100 VIEWS!!! It really means a lot to me!!! I honestly appreciate every single view that you amazing readers bestow upon me. Thank you all so much!!! Im pretty busy with school right now, but don't worry! I'll keep writing this Phanfiction!!! For you guys!!! Okay, on to the story. :3)

Christine waited patiently as she stood by the piano near the tea table. She was finally going to get her voice back on track! When she lived with Raoul, he would beat her every time a single note would escape her lips. He didn't think she deserved to sing, or to be happy. Christine sighed at the horrible memory of her ex- husband, but soon noticed Erik descending the staircase in his usual attire, including his mask. Her expression brightened as Erik reached the piano and sat down on its bench. Christine had to remain standing, so that she could sing properly. She hoped that her voice wouldn't be too bad...

"Let's begin with scales, shall we? Starting at C."

Erik played the single note of C, and Christine nervously let a few hoarse notes out of her mouth. Her voice cracked at the highest note, proving that she truly hadn't been allowed to sing for a long period of time.

"Agh! My voice sounds horrible!!! I can't believe I just embarrassed myself like that! I wonder if he still wants to teach me..." She thought.

"Erik, I... I'm so sorry... I haven't used my voice like that in 2 years. I understand if you no longer wish to teach me... I'm sorry." Christine said, looking downcast and beginning to walk away from the piano.

"Christine, wait! You just need some practice, is all! I know you still have potential, and I'm determined to get your voice back to the way it was 2 years ago!" Erik called after her.

Christine turned around to face him and her expression brightened a bit.

"You... You really think so...? Oh, thank you so much, Erik!" She said as she ran over to hug him while he smiled at her. After she let go of him, Christine stood next to Erik as she waited for new instructions.

"Now, repeat after me. Do, re, mi!"

Erik sang.

Christine took a deep breath, then shakily did as Erik had done. Her voice did need to be retrained, but her potential was still fully there.

"Good!" Said Erik after Christine had finished.

"Now, let's try, 'Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do!'" He gently commanded.

"Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do!" Christine repeated, a tiny bit more confident about her voice.

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